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我真的有急事。I really have something urgent.

他有急事求见经理。He asked to see the manager for something urgent.

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我有急事,可不可以告诉我她的手机号码?It’s urgent. Could I have her mobilephone number?

现在我有一些急事要做,我很抱歉。I have something really urgent to do now, I'm sorry.

发生了一些急事。我俩的约会能不能延期?There is something urgent. Could we put off our date?

是急事。请叫她打65243656找斯帕克斯先生。It's urgent. Please have her call 65243656, Mr. Sparks.

我现在有点儿急事要出去,咱们明天再谈好吗?I have something urgent to do. Can we talk about it tomorrow?

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当我想去试镜,或有人有急事找我的时候,我老板说,Trying to get off for an audition or rush call, my boss saying,

不.不.有急事时不帮忙.那还要邻居干什么?No, no.what are neighbors for if not to help out in an emergency?

艾玛随后说,她有急事需要秘密的对他们俩讲。Emma then said she needed to speak to them urgently and in privet.

有急事发生。明天我们去不成了。Something urgent has happened. We won't be able to make it tomorrow.

我请他吃饭,但他因有急事婉谢了。I invited him to dinner but he declined on account of urgent business.

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我们有急事,想来些能快上的菜,你有什么推荐吗?。We are in a hurry, and need to get something fast. Any recommendations?

发生了一件急事,可能整个上午都得占掉。Some urgent business has turned up which will take up the whole morning.

我很抱歉这么晚打来,但确实有急事发生了。I am sorry for calling you this late, but something really urgent came up.

应靠右侧闸幄,为有急事的人空出左侧通道。You should stand on the right side. Leave the left side for someone in rush.

她走得如此快,我以为她是急着去上洗手间,或者有其他什么急事。She leaves so quickly that I figure she has to run to the bathroom or something.

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星期二我有急事,所以约会只好取消了。I have something urgent on Tuesday, so the appointment will have to be cancelled.

牧师外出期间,若兄姊们有急事需要教会协助处理,请洽长执会主席黄立民兄。If anyone needs help from church, please contact with Deacon Chairman Li-Min Hwang.

很抱歉,陈先生刚出去办件急事,十分钟就回来。I'm sorry, Mr. Chen has just stepped out on urgent business. He'll be back in 10 minutes.