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川续断斑枯病是川续断种植区普遍发生的一种新病害。The pathogen of rot spot, which is a severe disease of Iris japonica Thumb.

五鹤续断是恩施州最佳道地药材之一。Wu-He Dipsacus Root is one of the best genuine medicinal materials in Enshi.

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本论文对红车轴草和川续断的化学成分及质量进行了系统的研究。In this paper, the chemical constituents and quality of Trifolium pratense L.

川续断属的草本植物,原产于旧大陆,头状花序围绕者有刺的苞片。Dipsacus native to the Old World having flower heads surrounded by spiny bracts.

分析了不同生长期五鹤续断的主要营养成分。In the paper, the main nutrition of Dipsacus asper wall in different growing stages was analyzed.

采用大鼠在体肠灌流法,比较续断总皂苷及其磷脂复合物的在体肠吸收情况。Rat intestine perfusion was use to compare aspersaponin absorption under with and without phospholipid.

结论黑玉续断接骨膏有明显促进骨折愈合作用。Conclusion It indicates that black jade dipsacus cream has promoted significantly the role of fracture healing.

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进一步开展川续断科植物的研究,对更好的发现新的药用活性成分有重要意义。Further research on dipsacaceae species will be necessary for better understanding of its new active constituents.

我国川续断属植物主要分布于四川、重庆、湖北、湖南、云南等省。The plants of Dipsacus in China are distributed mainly in the Sichuan, Chongqing, Hunan, Yunan and other provinces.

川续断斑枯病是川续断种植区普遍发生的一种新病害。Dipsacus leaf spot is considered as a new and destructive disease of Dipsacus asperoides in Sichuan in recent years.

现有研究表明,川续断具有多种药理活性,其主要活性部位为皂苷类化合物。The current research showed Dipsacus asper. has multiple pharmaco-activities, and the main effective part is the saponins.

从化学成分、药理作用和临床应用三方面综述了川续断科植物最近的研究进展。The review focused on recent developments concerning the chemical constituents of dipsacaceae species, their biological activities and clinical application.

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目的考证受特殊地理、生态环境的影响而主产于五峰、鹤峰的“五鹤续断”的地道历史。Objective To prove the long history of "Wu -He" dipsacus root in Wufeng county and Hefeng county which is affected by its special geographical and ecological environment.

在夏季施工的新建水泥混凝土路面,施工过程中使用了一些不当的施工方法,造成干缩、冷缩裂缝并形成断板和连续断板。In summer, contracted cracks, cold contracted cracks and split-opens easily occur in the newly constructed highway because of incorrect approaches during the project construction.

采用索氏提取法对不同生长时期的五鹤续断中总生物碱进行提取并分离,探讨用紫外分光光度法测定总生物碱质量分数的方法。The extraction and separation of total alkaloids from Wu-He Dipsacus by continuous extraction are described. Then the analysis of the quantity of alkaloids is carried out by UV method.

提示川续断和VE对淀粉样前体蛋白在神经元的过度表达有明显的抑制作用,并且可以改善大鼠学习记忆力。These findings indicate that both dipsacus asper and VE can prevent the overexpression of the APP in dosal hippocampal formation, and improve the learning and memorizing abilities of rat.