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我对你垂涎三尺。I am slobbering all over you.

他看见烤肉就垂涎三尺。His mouth watered at the sight of roast.

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收藏家们对这些旧邮票都垂涎三尺。These old stamps are eagerly coveted by collectors.

毛伊岛上所有的家伙都对这个女孩垂涎三尺。All the other guys in Maui are drooling over this girl.

游戏产业的主管们对Zynga的快速增长垂涎三尺,但是他们却瞧不起它开发的游戏质量。Game industry executives salivate over Zynga's growth rates.

以色列的国王,他对乌利亚的妻子Bathsheba垂涎三尺。He was the king of Israel and he coveted Uriah's wife Bathsheba.

彼德对邻居的田产垂涎三尺,但却没办法让她卖掉它。Peter coveted his neighbor's farm but could not get her to sell it.

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主厨谢万镇制做令人垂涎三尺的甜点,已有廿一年的时间。Chef Hsieh Wan-chen has a 21-year history in creating mouthwatering desserts.

文湘琳身躯娇小,依偎在文祥身边,就像一只垂涎三尺的小野猫。Wen Xianglin's small body snuggled close to Wen Xiang's like some ravenous kitten.

包子是餐厅的特色。新疆特色的大盘鸡色香味全,简直让人垂涎三尺。Chicken in uygur autonomous region style are so delicious that make you really coveted.

对于小乔垂涎三尺,于是周瑜就动了杀诸葛的心。Drool with envy to little Joe , hence the week Yu moved to kill the heart of various Ge.

弦刚熟'油炸蝗虫的人看了真的垂涎三尺。String which has just been cooked 'fried grasshopper' people really salivate after reading.

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偶尔抢先拿取对手垂涎三尺的卡牌或许是打击对手的一个好主意,但不总是这样。Observant players can sometimes get a good idea of the cards an opponent covets , but not always.

等桃子渐渐长熟,那香味迎面扑来,会引得你垂涎三尺。Gradually, such as long-cooked peaches, then lunged at face flavor, mouth-watering you will be attracted.

这个看上去令人垂涎三尺的东东是源源不断的怪异计算机配件的最新成员。This tasty looking thing is the latest addition to the never ending stream of weird computer accessories.

而许多国外大学的职位确实让人垂涎三尺的终生教授职位。Many of the job openings advertised for universities outside the U.S. are for coveted tenure-track positions.

如今,乐胜岭海鲜酒家已经拥有20位以上的员工,也有着一份让您看了会垂涎三尺的菜单。The restaurant now boasts a staff of more than 20 and a menu that can whet your appetite any time of the day.

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新疆的水果品种多的枚不胜举,那名目繁多的水果,足使你垂涎三尺。Xinjiang fruit variety of gold legion, that a multitude of names of fruits, enough to make you drool with envy.

面对这样千载难逢的抄底机会,投资者应当会垂涎三尺了.Investors should be salivating over such a once-in-a-generation opportunity to get stocks at so deep a discount.

国际连锁酒店正垂涎三尺,宣布计划明年仅在欧洲就将开设854家酒店。International hotel chains are salivating , announcing plans to open 854 hotels in the next four years in Europe alone.