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他们视而不见,听而不闻。They ignore complaints.

可是艾莱柯对这种暗示视而不见。We must not wink at his error.

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我们对这个错误绝不能视而不见。We must not wink at the error.

没有比视而不见再眼瞎的了。No one is so blind as those who can see.

你必须就像戴了眼罩一样对周围的事务视而不见,坚定地去实行你的计划。You need to put blinders on and execute.

有些政府官员对贪污受贿视而不见。Some government officials connive at graft.

这些输入信息使我们对现实充耳不闻、视而不见。These inputs deafen and blind us to reality.

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政府对吸烟的恶果也是视而不见。Goverments are blind to evils of smoking too.

现在,他对指控对问题视而不见睁一眼闭一眼。He was open now to charges of wilful blindness.

他迷迷糊糊的望着前面,对一切都视而不见。He looked vaguely before him with unseeing eyes.

但她直视前方,对一切都视而不见。But she looked straight ahead and through everything.

最后,它对强有力的反面证据视而不见。Lastly, it ignores overwhelming evidence to contrary.

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对这场血海世仇继续装作视而不见是奥巴马承受不起的。Obama cannot afford to keep ignoring this blood feud.

由于他的反共立场另一半他就视而不见了。The other half is blinded by his anti-communism stance.

你为什么昨天在街上对我视而不见,形同陌路?Why did you give me the go -by in the street yesterday?

但所有批评者对这些都视而不见。To all the backward-looking critics, none of this matters.

如果俺们无所作为视而不见,呆坏账就会随处可见。If we do not act, we are going to find bad debt everywhere.

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这个国家正处在严重的困难之中,我们怎麽能视而不见?This country is in severe trouble -- how can we not see that?

还是他贪心,过于轻信或者顽固地对事实视而不见?Was he greedy, or gullible, or stubbornly blind to the truth?

洲把乞讨的钵盂摇得哗啦作响,而中国却径直走了过去,对此视而不见。Europe rattled its begging bowl, and the Chinese walked on by.