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我每天都读社论。I read the editorials every day.

一个公关人员给我展示了这篇社论。I was shown this editorial by a PR.

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这篇社论需要重写。The editorial needs to be rewritten.

他改写社论直到天亮。He recomposed the editorial till dawn.

老吴继续阅读社论。The editorial reads in full as follows.

社论是相对较小的问题。The editorial one is a relatively minor.

她把社论已经校对了两遍了。She has read the editorial through twice.

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编辑制好了社论版样张。The editor dummied up the editorial page.

这是引自社论的一篇文章。Here is a passage quoted from the editorial.

该报社论诬蔑这名政治家。The newspaper editorial defamed the politician.

你的社论全然无视铁一般的事实。Your editorial blithely ignores the hard facts.

什么方面的都有——体育、社论、戏剧评论。All kinds -- sports, editorials, theater reviews.

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一种是社论,另一种是广告。There was editorial and the other was advertising.

报纸已就这个社论做出了道歉。The newspaper has since apologised for this editorial.

社论作者应保持就事论事的态度。An editorial writer should maintain a hard-eyed attitude.

该社论用很大篇幅阐述计划生育政策。The editorial invests heavily in a family planning policy.

这篇社论提出,但是下一次我们可能就不会如此幸运了。But next time we may not be so lucky, suggests the editorial.

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贾斯廷莱曼多,作者,反战网站的社论编辑。Justin Raimondo author and editorial director of Antiwar. com.

环球时报另一篇声明狼藉的社论发表与2011年4月6日。Another now-infamous Global Times editorial ran on April 6, 2011.

GREENWIRE也提供环境社论的连结。GREENWIRE also provides link to environmental opinion-editorials.