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关于这个问题不可臆测。No conjecture can be offered on the subject.

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这是尽我所能对我的目标所进行的臆测。That surmises my goal as best as I can imagine.

您也不必臆测它会有什麽内部资料结构。No assumptions about its internal data structure can be made.

因为事实还不全体齐备,海伦只能臆测解决的方式。Without all the facts, Helen could only assumption a band-aid.

遗憾的是这种结论带有较重的主观臆测成分,难以完全令人信服。It is a pity that this opinion is subjective and not convincing.

在一场主观臆测的警匪大战中,每个警察都开枪杀人,有39名“疑犯”中枪身亡。For every officer killed in a supposed shoot-out, 39 suspects die.

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我在这里也只能作一些臆测,权作谈资。I can only make some guesses, for the right to talk about funding.

早期时候,在这个领域考古偏于轻信臆测。In the early days, archaeology of the region tended toward credulity.

其不足之处主要足存在一些主观臆测之词。Its insufficient aspect mainly has some words conjectured subjectively.

尽管有种种臆测,但没人真正知道究竟会怎样。预测向来是很不靠谱的。Despite the yakking, nobody really knows. Predictions have a very poor track record.

这类主观臆测支配下,欧元区总是对金融危机感到敏感。Given this wishful thinking, the eurozone was always vulnerable to a financial crisis.

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谁不会臆测,拥有神力的他会想干啥,隐形的神力?Who has not wondered ? what we would do if we had this power, the power of invisibility?

曹政孙四康讨论案情,曹政臆测段伟平杀了两个人。Cao Zhengsun four discuss the case, Cao Zheng speculation Duan Weiping killed two people.

这个问题在本周之前似乎还显得很遥远,现在却忽然成了市场臆测的热门话题.What until this week was a pie-in-the-sky notion is suddenly fair game for market speculation.

仿若冥冥中的天意,那个一直在她臆测中的女子给他打了个骚扰电话。Like somewhere in heaven, that kept her conjecture in the woman gave him a telephone harassment.

现在你能做的挑战那种臆测的事情就是成为一个技术变革的领导者。Here are a few things you can do to challenge thatassumption and become a technology change leader.

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尽管如此,创造性的想法以及解决方案有时就像臆测-臆测是个有风险的活儿。However, creative ideas and solutions can sometimes seem like guesswork—and guessing is risky business.

但策略师表示,臆测将推出的第二轮量化宽松政策的效应多数已在美元汇价中反映.But strategists said much of the effect of a suspected second round is already in the dollar's price now.

陈上师看起来一点也不恐慌,而我只能臆测他一定是在默默祈祷。Yogi Chen did not seem scared in the least, and I can only guess that he must have been silently praying.