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毛玻璃是半透明的。Frosted glass is translucent.

使用带毛玻璃塞子的培养瓶。Incubation bottles with ground-glass stoppers are utilized.

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这几乎就像使用视图的相机毛玻璃屏幕。It's almost like using the ground-glass screen of a view-camera.

在大量的小结节区有时可见毛玻璃样阴影。Ground-glass opacity may be seen, due to numerous small granulomas.

这种毛玻璃屏障被当地人称作“摩门教屏障”。These walls, often made of frosted glass, are known locally as "Zion curtains".

在房间的最末端一个毛玻璃的门显然通到里面办公室的。At the far end of the room a frosted glass door apparently led to an inner office.

HRCT显示肺外带边界不清的结节形毛玻璃样阴影。HRCT shows ill defined nodular areas of ground-glass opacity in the lung periphery.

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在近头侧层面,可见斑片状实变和毛玻璃样影。At a more cephalad level, patchy consolidation and ground-glass opacity are visible.

首要异常是实变还是毛玻璃样改变?。Does the principal abnormality visible on CT represent consolidation or ground-glass opacity?

在万花筒远处的一端有两个玻璃片,一个是由透明玻璃做的,另一个是由毛玻璃做的。At the end of a kaleidoscope are two plates, one made of clear glass and the other of ground glass.

在万花筒远处的那端有两个玻璃片,一个是由透明玻璃做的,另一个是由毛玻璃做的。At the far end of a kaleidoscope are two plates, one made of clear glass and the other of ground glass.

毛玻璃样阴影也可能是病灶小于HRCT分辨率时的部分容积效应所致。Ground-glass opacity results from the volume averaging of morphologic abnormalities below the resolution of HRCT.

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在刚才的会面中,她的面前像是挡了一层毛玻璃,他无法看到她的情绪变化。During the interview, he'd felt as though he were looking at herthrough frosted glass, so detached had she seemed.

一般采用全镂空的窗格镶嵌透明或毛玻璃,也有完全不用玻璃的。Use commonly completely hollow-out window case is enchased transparent or frosted glass, also have complete need not of glass.

HRCT显示边界不清的斑片状毛玻璃样阴影,并可见局灶性透亮区,提示空气潴留。HRCT shows ill defined patchy areas of ground-glass opacity . Focal areas of lucency, representing air trapping are also visible.

多层螺旋CT发现所有的溺死受害者的鼻旁窦、耳内有液体存在及肺内的“毛玻璃“混浊现象。MDCT indicated that all of the drowning victims had fluid in the paranasal sinuses and ears and ground-glass opacity in the lungs.

指甲出现多为白色,类似的“毛玻璃”的外观,并可能在甲床的上方一点点的粉红色地带。The nail appears mostly white, similar to the appearance of "ground glass", and possibly with a little pink strip at the top of the nail bed.

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左上叶局部毛玻璃影,在2个月的CT随访中无明显的大小及形态改变。Focal area of ground glass attenuation on LUL, which shows no remarkable interval size or configuration changes on 2 months follow-up CT scan.

结论①“弥漫小结节征”、“毛玻璃征”、“双轨征”及“巨肝征”为弥漫型肝癌的较特征性表现。Conclusion ①The specific appearances of the diffuse type HCC are diffuse small spot-like, frosted glass-like, double orbit-like and big liver-like.

高倍镜下,疱疹性溃疡边缘的鳞状上皮细胞内有浅粉红色的毛玻璃样物。At high magnification, the squamous mucosa at the margin of the herpetic ulcer shows pale pink "ground gla" inclusio within squamous epithelial cells.