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皒看见那些柠檬树。I see the lemon trees.

可爱的柠檬搽剂。Lovely lemon liniment.

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汤姆,要柠檬还是要梨?A lemon or a pear, Tom?

柠檬是一种酸味水果。A lemon is an acid fruit.

柠檬有股酸味。Lemons have a sour taste.

柠檬有“酸味”。Lemons have an acid taste.

冬冬,要桔子还是要柠檬?An orange or a lemon,Dong Dong?

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“柠檬汽水就是小便,”我怒喊。“Lemonade is piss, ” I snarled.

大明虾|盘煎,香蒜,百里香,柠檬。Pan fried, garlic, thyme, lemon.

三文鱼,莳萝,柠檬,奶油。Fresh salmon, dill, lemon, cream.

最后,让我们来说说柠檬。Finally, let us talk about lemons.

蔓越橘和鲜橙汁调配的鸡尾酒,凉杯装冰镇自来水加柠檬。Cranberry and fresh orange cocktail

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柠檬能起到去腥的作用。Lemon can play the role of go rank.

我想到我的柠檬混蛋白酥了。Oh, I'm thinking my lemon meringue.

一杯干白葡萄酒加柠檬。A glass of dry white wine and lemon.

杜松子酒里有一块扭曲的柠檬。Gin and tonic with a twist of lemon.

这饮料有柠檬味儿。The drink tastes of lemon-flavoured.

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我们的花园里有一棵柠檬树。There is a lemon tree in our garden.

我喜欢吃西瓜和柠檬。I like to eat watermelons and lemons.

我记得他给你拿了柠檬汽水。I remember him fetching you lemonade.