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因缘果位神马的只是神话。Karma Bhumi is a myth.

我知我的因缘果报存活着。I know my redeemer liveth.

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这是成长因缘。This is the cause of growth.

什么是成长因缘?What is the cause of growth?

没有人因为抉择而落入爱的漩涡,那是因缘际会。No one falls in love by choice, it is by CHANCE.

根据什么因缘选择这个幼体作为女王?By what karma is the larva for a princess chosen?

因缘际会下,一部古老的电脑引领塔特进入SETI。By chance, an ancient computer led Tarter to SETI.

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因缘际会,我有幸与惠侨一起成长,见证了惠侨的变迁。I have had the honour to grow with Wai Kiu by chance.

我们能做到的,是在因缘际会的时侯好好的珍惜那短暂的时光。We can do, is the karma that brief time when hold dear.

使他们在俘掳他们的人前,成为自己慈爱怜悯的因缘。He let them be pitied by all those who held them captive.

怨敌的武器与我的身体,二者都是产生痛苦的因缘。Both the weapon and my body are the causes of my suffering.

我们创造的世界亦脱不开内在因缘。The worlds we create obey their own internal rules of causality.

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神说来世的因缘刻在三生石之上。God said that the cause afterlife Sansheng carved in stone on top.

魏氏家族与佛教的因缘关系,源远流长。Weis family and the cause of Buddhism, goes back to ancient times.

是地藏菩萨于阎浮提有大因缘。Earth Store Bodhisattva has great affinities with beings in Jambudvipa.

这就是所谓的佛道,这也就是释尊所说的「一大事因缘」。This is known as Buddhism, which is the Buddha said, "one major cause."

为了它的实现,它必须要有行动或因缘支撑着。It must be supported by action or causes for the sake of its fulfilment.

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有时因缘随父亲和母亲离开或死亡在一起联系。Sometimes the karma is with the father and the mother leaves or deceases.

人们的苦都是有某些因缘造成的,因此一定有方法灭除它们。There are causes for all human suffering, and there is a way to end them.

你要心怀信念——相信你的直觉、命运、生活抑或因缘。You have to trust in something--your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.