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每场资料库讲习,皆有课后有奖问答喔!Workshops each database, there are after-school quiz Oh!

您来给我们讲一讲习惯用语的特点,好吗?Could you please explain for us the characteristics of idioms?

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开始声乐讲习课程,地点在女教师的住所。To inaugurate a course of vocal instruction, place the residence of the instructress.

这是此课程相关讲习、指定作业和应用方面的行事历。The calendar shows the schedule of sessions, assignments, and applications for the course.

下面就是各学监的四个大讲室,再往下才是各个导师的讲习之所。The underneath is each school proctor of four greatly speak room, downwards is each tutor's seminar again of.

开始大力推广社长当选人训练会议,地区讲习会议及国际年会的活动。Begin intensive promotion for the presidents-elect training seminar, the district assembly, and the RI Convention.

每堂讲习课将有字汇小考,并在每一课结束后会有一个20至25分钟的随课测验。A Vocabulary Quiz is given in each FACT class, and a 20-to-25-minute Lesson Quiz is given at the end of each lesson.

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国际扶轮社长当选人葛尔扬.潘乃杰在加利福尼亚州圣地亚哥的国际讲习会上宣布2011-12年度国际扶轮主题。RI President-elect Kalyan Banerjee announces the 2011-12 RI theme during the International Assembly in San Diego, California.

鼓励社长当选人和其他的扶轮社领导人讨论社员目标并预备在地区讲习会议上报告所设定的目标。Encourage club presidents-elect to discuss membership goals with other club leaders and be prepared to report the goal at the district assembly.

每次讲习课时都会有单字测验,而每一课结束时都会有20-25分钟的单元测验,除此之外还有会有一些汉字测验。Vocabulary Quiz is given in each FACT class, and a 20-to-25-minute Lesson Quiz is given at the end of each lesson. There are also a few Kanji quizzes.

每次讲习课时都会有单字测验,而每一课结束时都会有20-25分钟的单元测验,除此之外还有会有一些汉字测验。A Vocabulary Quiz is given in each FACT class, and a 20-to-25-minute Lesson Quiz is given at the end of each lesson. There are also a few Kanji quizzes.

临床医学教育提倡早接触临床、多接触病人,提高讲习比例。It is advocated on clinical medical education to let students contact clinical diagnosis and treatment earlier, visiting more patients and promoting the ratio of visitation and course.

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经过设计的课堂讲解、实验室讲习,与临床病例讨论,使学生们能清楚了解与人类生殖有关之生理学、内分泌学,以及病理学。Lectures, laboratory sessions, and clinical case discussions designed to provide the student with a clear understanding of the physiology, endocrinology, and pathology of human reproduction.

在社长当选人训练会议、地区讲习会议和地区年会的期间推动扶轮基金目标、表扬义工、教育扶轮社员以及建立对基金的热忱。Promote Foundation goals, recognize volunteers, educate Rotarians, and build enthusiasm for the Foundation during your presidents-elect training seminar, district assembly, and district conference.