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只是最基本要领。Just the essentials.

我掌握基本要领了。I got the basics down.

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你能给我讲讲弹钢琴的基本要领吗?Can you teach the base main point of piano?

享受收录音机之乐的要领。Tip for enjoying the radio comfortably are shown.

可以先从最简单的移动来感觉动作要领。Begin by doing the easiest moves to feel this out.

你能给我讲讲弹钢琴的基本要领吗?Can you tell me the basic points of playing piano?

他在掌握写作的基本要领方面困难重重。He had troubles with the very elements of writing.

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他们阅读这类小说是为了得到要领,做好准备。They are reading them to get tips, to be prepared.

先容了低湿氛围制取的一种要领。A process producing low-humidity air is introduced.

我一读再读这本书,但就是不得其要领。I've read and re-read the book, but it won't go in.

你能给我讲讲弹钢琴的基本要领吗?Can you tell me the basic principle to play the piano?

我们必需找到一个重整旗鼓的要领,要否则就要悔之晚矣啦!We should find a way to regroup before it is too late.

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你有要领打发这个冗长的周末吗?。Do you haudio-videoe type of plans for the long weekend?

你能给我讲讲弹钢琴的基本要领吗?Can you tell me something about the ABC of piano playing?

西班牙海鲜饭的烹调要领!What are the techniques for cooking a good seafood paella?

你能给我讲讲弹钢琴的基本要领吗?Could you tell me the basic essentials of playing the piano?

我很高兴能够告诉你,他的名字已经提上去,就快要领陆军十字勋章了。I'm glad to say he's been recommended for the Military Cross.

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只有一个要领就是怎样买,多少钱,在哪买,从谁那,多久一次。It’s just a matter of how, how much, where, from whom, how often.

拉尔夫抓住了要领,运用横隔膜的气往贝壳里猛送。Ralph grasped the idea and hit the shell with air from his diaphragm.

另一个跟踪进步的要领是记录一句话日记。Another way to keep track of progress is to keep a one-sentence journal.