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看到这只酒杯了吗?You see this goblet?

举起你的水晶酒杯吧。Use your crystal goblets.

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啤酒从酒杯中溢出。Beer flooded from the glass.

我把酒杯盛满酒。I filled my glass with wine.

当你们把酒杯斟满。When ye the cups were fillin.

酒杯上的指纹?Fingerprints on the wineglass?

出售阿道夫·希特勒的酒杯Adolf Hitler's goblets go on sale

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我把啤酒倒进了大酒杯里。I poured the beer into a tankard.

她买了一套六只的平底无脚酒杯。She bought a set of six tumblers.

他随同小羽去拿酒杯。He goes with Kohane to get glasses.

复有垂杨拂酒杯。Willow twigs caress my wine cup gently.

她若有所思地转动着葡萄酒杯。She twirled her wine glass thoughtfully.

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口红常能印到酒杯上。Lipstick often comes off on wine glasses.

我妈妈买了两对酒杯。My mother bought two doublets of goblets.

她把玻璃酒杯一个套一个放在箱子里。She nested the glass tumblers in a crate.

一个小木板凳上,放着一个5钱酒杯。A small Muban Deng, stood a 5-money glass.

不好意思,我忘记拿酒杯上来了!Sorry, I forget to bring my glass of wine!

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酒杯,位置视大小而定。Wineglasses, positioned according to size.

老马的马蹄将是我们的酒杯。An old horse's hoof is to be our wineglass.

他通常用长脚酒杯或者酒瓶。He uses his, usually long, glass or bottle.