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烟对于防止热量散失没有作用。Smoke has no value in preventing heat-loss.

结果其中大部分能量散失于空气中。As a result, much of the energy is lost to air.

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缓慢的流速足以防止还原剂的散失。A low rate is enough to prevent flushing of reductants.

有乳白宝石、绿宝石,它们都散失在芜菁的根部旁边。Opals and emeralds, they lie about the roots of turnips.

当板上的色块分子越多,光线的散失就厉害。The more dye molecules there are, the more light is lost.

鲸脂有助于防止身体热量的散失。The blubber helps to stop them from losing their body heat.

水分从植物表面散失的现象。Guttation Loss of water as liquid from the surface of a plant.

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如果有烟雾流入或者散失,就是往别处去了。If I'm gaining or losing smoke, it means it must be going up there.

松树的叶片看起来橡针。这种叶片能减少水分的散失。The leaves of pine trees look like needles. These reduce water loss.

气孔是植物控制气体交换和调节水分散失的门户。Stomatal movement is important for plants to exchange gas with environment.

饲料散失和鳗鱼粪便是造成水质污染的主要根源。The loot feed and eel faces are the ma jor causes for pond water pollution.

在夜间或者清晨浇灌草坪以最大程度减少因蒸发而导致的水分散失。Water the lawn at night or early in the morning to minimize loss from evaporation.

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水的散失也包括从植物体中蒸腾到大气层中的水。Loss of water also includes the transpiration of water to the atmosphere from plants.

这些损失的能量一点一点地散失到宇宙中慢慢地起来越多。That energy goes out into the universe a little bit at a time, slowly, more and more.

气孔是植物控制气体交换和调节水分散失的门户。The function of stomata in plants is controlling gas exchange and modulating water balance.

在无云夜间地面温度由于其热量散失到空间而下降。In the cloudless night ground temperature decreases on account of the heat lost to the space.

在饱和持水量的条件下,草地雀麦具有加速土壤水分散失的作用。When the soil moisture is saturated, Bromus riparius can accelerate the loss of soil moisture.

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"北方的许多房子在冬天很暖和,因为它们都作了隔热处理,使热量不致散失。"。Many houses in the north are warm in winter because they are insulated so that the heat is not lost.

微渗漏是天然气通过盖层散失的重要方式之一。Microleakage is one of the most important pathways in which the natural gas diffuses through caprocks.

因此我们说,由于这一特殊原因,散失民间的红山文化玉器已远远超过考古所发现数量。Thus exact quantity of Hongshan Culture jade existing is significant for both collection and research.