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的确,她还可以找个地方发挥余热。Surely, she was still needed somewhere.

快速跟踪探险之旅将会测量出日本地震后的余热量。Fast-tracked expedition will measure fault's residual heat.

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你身体的余热,急促的心跳,不平静的吻。You body's afterheat, rapid palpitation, not tranquil lips.

直燃机排出的余热以热能的形式存在。The residual energy of heat will be excluded from the machine.

而他将会返回圣保罗,继续发挥余热。He will return to San Paolo and perhaps continue playing there.

阿尔泰迈尔建议“避免预热并利用余热”。"Avoid preheating and utilize residual heat, " Altmaier advises.

他们试图回收余热发电。They tried to recuperated waste heat to produce electric current.

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货物本身高于所需运输温度的那部分余热。Excess heat in the commodity above the disired transit temperature.

能够来这里发挥余热,这些退休老人也得其所哉。These retired men are content to devote their remaining energy here.

他说,他还把生产影碟的模具机所产生的余热利用起来。The disk-molding machines generate heat, which he says he puts to use.

“废弃的余热是一座金矿,如果你可以让它实现转换的话,”他说。"There's a gold mine in waste heat, if you could convert it, " he says.

省煤器泄漏是余热锅炉运行中常遇到的问题。Economizer leakage is a main problem in running of heat recovery boiler.

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而现在,他有机会在莱切发挥自己职业生涯的余热。However he now has a chance to revive the embers of his career with Lecce.

余热锅炉入口烟道的不同结构对其速度场的分布会产生重要的影响。The structure of HRSG inlet duct has a great effect on its velocity field.

直燃机排烟温度过高,不利于节能,在烟道上加设余热回收装置。The flue gas temperature of direct-fired machine is too high to save energy.

热量消除热量消除系统,余热消除,和安全系统故障。Heat removal system, residual heat removal and safety system functional failures.

热管式空气预热器广泛应用于烟气的余热回收。The heat pipe air preheaters are widely used in the recovery of waste heat of gas.

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温格说罗伯特·皮雷还能为英超贡献余热。Arsène Wenger says Robert Pires still has something to offer a Premier League club.

对联合循环余热锅炉的研究开发和优化设计有一定的参考意义。This paper can provide reference for the development and optimizing design of HRSG.

你可以把旧手机卖了换钱,但是让它们更好的发挥余热如何?You could trade your old cell phone for cash, but how about putting it to better use?