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中技或高中以上毕业。High school or above.

大学专科或以上学历。College degree or above.

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以上这些就是我的故事。So these are my stories.

保持拖缆在水面以上。Keep towline above water.

以上是企业简介方面!These are the Company in!

成绩都在平均水平以上。They are all above average.

以上就是来自莫扎特的选段。So that's a piece of Mozart.

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以上就是米里哀先生的预算表。Such was M. Myriel's budget.

温度是摄氏三十度以上。The temperature is over 30℃.

成绩都在平均分以上。They were all above average.

他已经认识阿贝丁15年以上。Abedin for at least 15 years.

以上价格均不含税。All prices not including tax.

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所有的这些吗,-以上所有这些。All of them? -All of the above.

每个站点必须有PR2以上。Each site must have PR2 or more.

每个站点必须有PR3以上。Each site must have PR3 or more.

你试过开到时速六十英里以上吗?Have you tried to go over sixty?

以上图片拍摄地点是在鲁瓦地区。These images were taken in Ruwa.

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请注意800赫兹以上的统一性。Note the uniformity above 800 Hz.

收成一半以上拿来交租。Rent ate more than half our crop.

高中及以上学历。High school diploma or equivalent.