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摩托罗拉随后进行了反诉。Motorola subsequently countersued.

怀特先生反诉史密斯先生诽谤。Mr White countercharged Mr Smith with slander.

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被告有权提起反诉.The defendant has the right to file a counter-suit.

反诉制度肇始于古代罗马法。The counter-claim system comes from the ancient Roman law.

我国的反诉制度起步较晚,在现实中存在很大的缺陷。Countercharge system in our country has many defects in reality.

今日中午,迅雷方面也传出将反诉MPAA的消息。At noon today, Thunder is also reported to the MPAA counterclaims news.

辩护状通常写也被告的答辩和反诉。An answer usually sets forth the defendant's defenses and counterclaims.

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最后,法庭要求被告做辩护和进行任何反诉。Lastly, the courtasks the defendant to present his defense and any counterclaims.

我们计划等案件移到北京后再提起反诉,要求天创公司赔偿我们的损失。We planned to do a countercharge and request Tianchuang company pay off our loss.

三星已经向苹果提出反诉,称它侵犯了三星的无线专利。Samsung has counter-sued Apple, saying it infringed on Samsung's wireless patents.

争端策略就是被诉违法规则的国家提出反诉。O. disputes is for a country being accused of trade violations to file counterclaims.

该法庭同时通过了一个安进乐于接受的对于罗氏特定反诉的简要判决。The court also granted a summary judgment in favor of Amgen on certain Roche defenses.

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被告可以承认或者反驳诉讼请求,有权提起反诉。The defendant may admit or rebut the claims and shall have the right to file counterclaims.

第二部分是关于两大法系反诉制度的比较。Part Two. The second part gives the comparison of counterclaim system in the two families of law.

第7条第三人引入诉讼,修改的诉状,反诉和交叉诉状,以及动议程序。Third Party Practice, Amended Complaints, Counterclaims and Cross- Complaints, and Motion Practice.

去年秋天摩托罗拉公司针对苹果公司提出专利侵权索赔,苹果公司提出反诉以示回应。Motorola last fall filed patent claims against Apple, which responded with a countersuit of its own.

虽然反诉制度是一项实务性很强的制度,但其本身却蕴涵了深刻的诉讼法理。Countercharge system has its usefulness in practice and profound procedural meaning in theory as well.

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反诉制度是现代民事诉讼中的一项重要制度,是一种独立之诉。Countercharge system is a important system in modern civil lawsuit, is a kind of independence Zhi tell.

她在法庭上讲科赫公司已经侵扰了她而且反诉她披露公司支付计划。She said in court that Koch had harassed her and retaliated against her for uncovering the payment scheme.

反诉制度具有合并解决相关纠纷的功能优势。The counterclaim system has the functional advantage of incorporating and settling the correlative disputes.