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捏着你的鼻子。Hold your nose.

我的鼻子乾乾的。My nose is dry.

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这是我的鼻子。This is my noes.

没有耳朵,没有鼻子。No ears, no nose.

顺便打歪了我的鼻子。And broke my nose.

我用鼻子闻味道。I smell with nose.

一个发亮的湿湿的鼻子!One shiny wet nose!

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你的鼻子受伤了吗?Does your noes hurt?

她的鼻子被打坏。Her nose was broken.

她的鼻子是腊制的义鼻。She is a nose of wax.

她用鼻子爱抚了一下它的脸颊。She nuzzled its cheek.

试图使鼻子通气。Try blowing your nose.

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试着捏住鼻子。Try holding your nose.

别用袖子擦鼻子!Don't sleeve your nose!

我听见你们说指鼻子?。So, did I hear Poconos?

他有一个红鼻子吗?Does he have a red nose?

我鼻子不通气。I have a stuffed-up nose.

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我一拳击在他的鼻子上。I struck him on his nose.

儿子的鼻子象我。My son's nose is from me.

她抽着鼻子,一次,两次。She sniffed, once, twice.