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裴度是一位富有文才的政治家。The author holds that Pei Du was a statesman rich in Literarytalent.

虽然丹尼拥有这家公司,但喀尔文才是真正的幕后大头目。Although Denny owns this company, it is Calvin who is the ringleader.

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文才武功,治国方略,我都是佼佼者。Literary talent fighting skill, governs a nation square slightly, I am a Jiao Jiao.

这种传统给他们带来了文才,也就是我们有时候所说的那种“胡侃天赋”。This tradition gave them an eloquence which we sometimes describe as the 'gift of blarney.

象莎士比亚那样的文才,拿破仑那样将略和牛顿那样的天赋是世界所罕见的。There is rarity, in the world --- Shakespeare's talent, Napoleon's generalship and Newton's gift.

她禀赋超凡的文才,又肩负着家庭生活的重担。She was gifted with literary brilliancy while she shouldered the responsibility of supporting her family.

巫山行云,长江流水更难以比拟大师的文才!Witch hill rack, running water of the Yangtse River more the literary talent that compares a master hard!

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英国现代女作家弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫以她横溢的文才、大胆的创新精神在世界文坛上独领风骚。British modern novelist Virginia Woolf was famous for her brilliant literary talent in the literary world.

终于在纽约街头找到他当年的爱人祝英台,而她正和马文才卿卿我我。Finally in the streets of new york to find his lover zhu yingtai year , and she is and mawencaiqingqingwowo.

他以自己文才俘获了大批的听众,也使他在20岁时就成了一名闻名的传教士。His literary talent captured large quantities of audience, making him the missionary of name when he was 20.

“文”与你的父姓“OWEN”音相近。而且“文”字是有文才、有学问的意思。"Wen" and your father's surname "OWEN" sound similar. And the "culture" word is Wencai, learned the meaning.

人们会折服于他的锦绣文章和绝妙文才。如果普鲁弗洛克能够大声唱出他的情歌,女士们一定会带他发现他所不了解的事情。If Prufrock would have spoken his song a loud, the ladies surely would have shown him what he himself did not understand.

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在现代我国著名的柑橘学家中,章文才教授就是其中来自浙江的杰出代表人物。In modern China's well-known scientist in the citrus, Professor Zhang Wencai is one of the distinguished representative from Zhejiang.

迁校的第二年,狄考文才将他的化验工作室迁来潍县,原因是交通不便,运输大半借重骡马的驮负。It took one more year for the laboratory and workshop to be moved and set up in the new college campus, due to the limited transport using only mules.

现在,我终于也能够认识到自己的价值,也许我没有华丽的文才,但我也可以用我那平凡的语言叙述我那平凡的事迹。Now I could eventually realize my value either. Maybe I have no talent in the literary, I could also write down my ordinary chores with my ordinary words.

因为霍华德的祖父莫里斯曾经发明了LBBC公司的快锁定柜门,所以来自格拉斯哥的发明者山迪·沙利文才会选择与这家公司展开合作。LBBC's Quicklock door, invented by Howard's grandfather Maurice, was the reason inventor Sandy Sullivan from Glasgow-based Resomation Limited chose the firm.

在井冈山革命根据地的创建中,“绿林”出身的袁文才等人作出了重要的贡献。The creation of Jinggagshan Revolutionary Base owes certain to the contribution of the force converted from "greenwood outlaws" of whom Yuan Wencai is a representative.

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北朝后期秀才选举重视文才,是社会重视士人文才的大环境下的必然现象。During later stage of the Northern Dynasties, literary talent was receiving much attention, which was inevitable due to the background that literary talent in scholars was emphasized.

萧子良及其文士与萧鸾之政治斗争表现为文才与干才之争,其失败有其深刻的文化背景。Political conflicts between Xiao Ziliang and Xiao Luan meant struggles between literary talent and ability and sagacity . The failure of Xiao Ziliang had profound cultural background.

英格兰主帅麦克拉伦在周五公布的名单里极有可能会出现欧文的名字,但是阿勒代斯认为只有征得医疗队的同意,欧文才可以参加这样的国际比赛。England chief Steve McClaren names his squad for the key double-header on Friday, but Allardyce insists the striker will only be released for international duty if his medical team agree.