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士兵注意到他了。The soldier twigged him.

大部分都被充作士兵投入战争。Most had been taken in war.

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士兵列队站好。The soldiers were lined up.

每一个士兵都英勇作战。Every soldier fight bravely.

双方都有士兵阵亡。Soldiers fell on both sides.

不幸降临于可怜的士兵身上。Woe betide the poor soldier.

“是的。”一个士兵回答。Yes, " replied a gendarme ."

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另一个美军士兵则身负重伤。Another American was injured.

每一个士兵都英勇作战。Every soldier fought bravely.

士兵召集在一起。He mustered all his soldiers.

俄罗斯士兵的形象。Image of the Russian soldier.

那位士兵把外衣扣好。The soldier does his coat up.

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士兵,跟冲荣耀!Guardsman, follow me to glory!

她丈夫是一名美国水师陆战队士兵。Her husband is a U. S. marine.

这个士兵开小差。The soldier deserted his army.

士兵由于受伤不治而死。The soldier died from a wound.

士兵在黎明时撤离了营地。The soldiers decamped at dawn.

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那士兵作战勇猛。The soldiers fought gallantly.

这个军队里的士兵都是满族人。All the troops were Manchu men.

但J。会是个忠实的士兵吗?But will J. be a loyal soldier?