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大千世界,芸芸众生,没人与我相同。In the entire world there's nobody like me.

这正是华尔街精英和芸芸众生的另一大区别。Yet another difference between planet Wall Street and planet Earth.

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设若地球上的所有物种都没有灭绝,今天的芸芸众生会是怎样的?If there were no extinctions of species on Earth, what would life look like now?

此时此地,芸芸众生的血肉之躯,只不过是在劳役和苦难中熬煎。Here the lot of men born of the flesh is but to endure midst toil and tribulation.

去年好心的格友芸芸众生-云淡风轻分享了好多颗向日葵种子给我。Last year a fellow knitter and plant-lover shared several sunflower seeds with me.

当然一千个人眼里有一千个不同的哈姆雷特,芸芸众生中有很多的可能。There are as many other possibilities as there are people in the world, of course.

所以我才说,马康是通过一种人文的关怀力量走入新疆,走入芸芸众生。Out of a love of his art, Ma Kang traveled to Xinjiang, living among its many peoples.

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我们只不过是芸芸众生中的平凡一人,只不过不够出类拔翠而已。We are just not pretty perfections enough as a normal one of millions live in the world.

我已经冒犯了上帝和芸芸众生,因为我的工作没有达到它应有的水平。I have offended God and mankind because my work did not reach the quality it should have.

所有脐带都是祖祖辈辈相连接的,芸芸众生拧成一股肉缆,所以那些秘教僧侣们都是。The cords of all link back, strandentwining cable of all flesh. That is why mystic monks.

与过去相比,未来华尔街的工作不会像从前光鲜耀眼,不过比芸芸众生还是要好一些。It may not be as glitzy as the past one but could be better for average working men and woman.

它芸芸众生、万象升腾,因此在客观上不存在所谓一种它的真实地道或独立单一的生活。Precisely because it teems with so many lives, it has no objectively true or independent life.

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“你,和宇宙中的芸芸众生一样,值得被爱。”——释迦牟尼。You yourself, as much as anyone in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection. " –Buddha".

我们只是影子社会的芸芸众生,畏缩在永未实现的不测风云背后。We were all representatives of a shadow society, cowering under a cloud of bad tidings that would never come.

相反,新的偏见就像旧的偏见一样,会成为引导那些没有思想的芸芸众生的缰绳。Instead, new prejudices, just like the old ones, will serve as the guiding reins of the great, unthinking mass.

回望悠悠历史,似乎芸芸众生皆挣扎于平静的绝望中,其备受奴役的生活不免打上屈辱和极度贫困的烙印。Through most of history, most people lived lives of quiet desperation, humiliating servitude and grinding poverty.

放眼周身,所见的多是被尘俗驱使的芸芸众生,在物质世界中寻找涅槃的永恒。So much of what we see around us is motivated by well-intentioned folks, like ourselves, looking for nirvana out there.

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所谓典型的门萨人并不存在——会员和芸芸众生一样,脾气秉性各不相同。There is no such thing as a typical Mensan—they vary in personality and temperament much as the general population does.

很多人----芸芸众生中的银行家,调控者,政府,家庭,和经济学家---都在抱怨危机。Many people -- bankers, regulators, governments, households, and economists among others -- share the blame for the crisis.

此菩萨化身颂扬观音夜以继日又芸芸众生为念,大发慈悲。This form venerates Avalokitesvara who constantly radiates compassion towards all sentient beings, throughout day and night.