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光线使软片上起雾翳。Light has fogged this film.

摄影棚内的场景可以拍到软片上。A scene in a studio can be captured on film.

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这种软片显影需要二十分钟。This type of film develops in twenty minutes.

下一次,感冒软片就是首先拉。Next time, these tablets will be the FIRST thing I use!

不退影液的淡度不不合也能致使软片发黄。Developer , Fixer no liquid can also cause the film to the right.

柯达卖的是软片,但他们不打软片的广告,他们打的广告是「回忆」。Kodak Sells film, but they do not advertise film. They advertise memories.

一眼就能看出来,这张照片是用全色软片拍摄的。We could tell from one look that the photo was shot with panchromatic film.

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涂乳胶的玻璃片或软片不完全透明。Imperfect transmission is the glass or film upon which the emulsion is coated.

极大的差异,它们可能是可供机器阅读的电子档、书面资料及微缩软片。Information included. They may be machine-readable or paper copy or microfiche.

但是在2008年二月,身为软片技术公司的宝丽莱屈服于一个不可避免的命运。But in February 2008, Polaroid as a film technology succumbed to an inevitable fate.

已曝光未冲洗的摄影硬片、软片、纸、纸板及纺织物。Photographic plates, film, paper, paperboard and textiles, exposed but not developed.

在商品包装、书刊画册等出版物制卡和会员卡制作洋,仍有很是一局部需经过激光照排输入软片。At present, laser typesetting system is one of the critical systems in the Chinese printing and publishing.

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所有参赛作品必须为照相软片,电子文件,或冲印照片。All final work must be on photographic film, or on electronic file, or electronic print material, mounting excepted.

陈丝网制版时,可以搁置科图泰公司AUTOTYPE尝试软片得不入丝网感平剂的不关指标。Seihan the new screen, you can use branch Battuta company AUTOTYPE test film come to screen anti-alcohol indicators.

这家公司关闭它的软片生产制造,以及基本上停产即时显影胶卷。The company shut down its film manufacturing operations and effectively closed the door on Polaroid instant photography.

一言以蔽之,利用这些软片为锻练教材,我们不难掌握如何以心配身。To sum up in a word, use these film to be forging teaching material, if why match a body with the heart, we master not hard.

其乳化方便、乳液稳定、且柔软度和滑爽度在软片上是一大突破,是印染厂和洗水厂降低成本和提高产品质量的首选产品。It is easy to emulsify and stable in emulsion state. It is the first choice to reduce production cost and enhance product quality.

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当不可能的源测,可在软片侧,但应在透度计附近放置铅字“F”B. When this is not possible, the proper size film side penetrameter, as stipulated be referencing Code, shall be used and lead letter "F".

是家居、橱柜、装饰材料、艺术品、广告、音箱行业、吸覆PVC、塑制膜、波音软片的理想加工设备。This machine is the ideal working equipment for furniture, cabinets, decorative materials, works of art, advertisements, sound boxes industry.

当宝丽莱宣告它要停产拍立得软片,一个由民间团体发出的「拯救宝丽莱」活动,开始努力希望让此种软片可以继续生产。When Polaroid announced it was discontinuing its instant film, Save Polaroid, a grassroots group, began an effort to keep the film in production.