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小小骑士迎娶了公主,分得半壁江山。The littlest knight married her and got half the kingdom.

现在对其他新兴经济体的出口占到了中国出口总额的的半壁江山。Half of China’s exports now go to other emerging economies.

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房利美和房地美占据了美国抵押贷款的半壁江山。Fannie and Freddie account for half of all mortgages in the US.

对于一些世界销量最高的金属,中国市场的需求占据了全球需求市场的半壁江山。China gobbles up half of some of the world's highest selling metals.

在美国,这些严重精神疾病患者占据了狂暴杀人犯的半壁江山。They account for about half the rampage murders in the United States.

然而,这两个国家的温室气体排放量几乎占了全球的半壁江山。But these two countries are responsible for almost half of all greenhouse gas emissions.

在美国,烧煤的发电厂支撑着国家用电量的半壁江山。About half the electricity consumed in this country is produced in coal-fired power plants.

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中央政府拥有一大批国有企业,它们占中国GDP的半壁江山。The central government owns a vast number of companies that account for half of the nation's GDP.

在不久的未来,新兴经济体将占据全球GDP的半壁江山。The emerging economies are going to be more than 50 percent of global GDP in the not-too-distant future.

一旦交易完成,新公司将占据日本啤酒市场半壁江山—这抬高了反垄断的门槛。It would control half of the Japanese beer market—raising an antitrust hurdle before the deal can go through.

很显然,现在世界杯的格局是来自欧洲和美洲的球队占据了大半壁江山。Q. In its current format the World Cup is predominantly made up of teams mainly from Europe and the Americas.

众所周知,中学作文教学历来被视为中学语文教学的半壁江山,重中之重。As we all know, teaching writing has always been regarded as secondary language teaching in half, the top priority.

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高职高专教育近几年发展尤为迅速,占据了我国高等教育的半壁江山。Quality Gao Zhuan educates develops in recent years especially rapidly, occupied our country higher education's half of the country.

穆青经济新闻占据了穆青新闻作品的半壁江山,贯穿了穆青的职业生涯。The Mu Qing economical news occupied the Mu Qing news work half of the country, has passed through Mu Qing s professional profession.

你们的模式有望让采石场占据一线队的半壁江山,这条生产线为何如此成功?You have a model where 50 per cent of your first team are expected to come from La Cantera. Why is the production line so successful?

兰尼斯表示,在每个细分类别的市场,都有五家公司占据了将近半壁江山。Five companies account for nearly half of the market for each category, although they tend differ for the various groups, Lannes said.

数码照相机在短短十几年的时间里已经占据了照相机市场的半壁江山,而且在公安工作中也有很多应用。Digital camera has occupied camera market's half land, in a few years and in the work of public security, it also has been greatly applied.

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毕竟,仅仅在半个世纪中,中国从一个农业社会快速发展为一个产值的半壁江山来自工业的国家。After all, in only half a century, China has moved from being a society based on farming, to one where half of its output comes from industry.

今年中秋雪菊销售占了茶叶销售额的半壁江山,现在茶叶生意不好做,要靠雪菊来支撑。Its sales accounted for 50 percent of total tea market share, Li said, adding the rare chrysanthemum is sustaining the flattering tea business.

2001年的数据显示,中国内地和美国占了香港转口贸易的“半壁江山”。According to 2001 statistics, of the total entrepot trade handled by Hong Kong, more than a half was from China's mainland and the United States.