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弗兰克不相信占星术。Frank disbelieved in astrology.

天文学的前身是占星术。Astronomy inherits from astrology.

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但是在印度,占星术是“科学”。However, it is "science" in India.

炼金术受到了占星术影响。Alchemy is influenced by horoscope.

不久,他又进到亚述、印度、波斯,进到占星术者之地。Persia and into the land of the Chaldeans.

比如说,他援引占星术的结果。He invokes, for example, the science of astrology.

十二宫图用于占星术中预测未来。The zodiac is used in astrology to predict the future.

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达芬奇,平衡,时间,创造,时轮占星术。Da Vinci, Balance, Time, Creation, Astrology By The Clock.

今天,按照占星术的说法,我应该开始健康养生计划。Today my horoscope says that I should start a fitness regime.

天文学家例行公事地说占星术没有任何科学根据。Astronomers routinely say that astrology has no scientific basis.

昨晚我施法占星术时选中了你。I considered you while doing my Horoscope last night, and meditated.

我的占星术说我会得到一个蓝铃花,同时还说消防站现在对我来说是一个辉煌的住所。It also said that a Fire Station is a great hangout for me right now.

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事实上,这个日期是天文学,占星术和星相学。The dates are, in fact, astronomical, astrological and astrotheological.

在十二月我们与银河中心占星术地有主要的联盟。Astrologically , we have major alignments with the Galactic Center in December.

每天,我们都能从报章杂志等处看到有关占星术的信息。We can get information about Astrology from newspapers and magazines every day.

除占星术之外,技术包括占卜用的纸牌读书、手相术和许多事。Apart from astrology, the techniques include tarot card reading, palmistry and many more things.

根据印度占星术,"Aquarius"等同于"Kumbha",在梵语中的意思是水罐。According to Hindu astrology, Aquarius is equivalent to 'Kumbha' which means pitcher in Sanskrit.

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诺查丹玛斯学习研究占星术以及玄幻科学还有那些能用来预测未来的东西。Nostradamus studied astrology and various "occult" sciences and used those to predict the future.

上升度数的用法,可能会在前古希腊,巴比伦占星术中发现。The use of a rising degree may or may not have been found in pre-Hellenistic Babylonian astrology.

另一种有趣的页面布局技术来自于印度占星术,也叫作“坤德里”。Another interesting layout technique comes from the Indian horoscopes which are also called Kundli.