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回忆定格的年间,悲伤如水般弥漫。Memory frames, sad like water diffuse.

寂寞相随的年间,悲伤如水般弥漫。The years lonely, sad like water diffuse.

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天空不明的年间,悲伤如水般弥漫。The sky is unknown, as water diffuse sadness.

清代年间此街有当铺,故富强街旧称典当街。The old pawn shop is located in the FuQiang Street.

明宪宗年间,宦官弄权,滥杀贤臣。Ming Kenso years, eunuch excesses, killing Xian Chen.

清乾隆年间由日本传回中国,其真实性无庸置疑。It's true that it was handed back to China from Japan.

它建于1535年清朝年间曾重新修缮过。It was built in 1535 and restored during the Qing dynasty.

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初断为16世纪明中期正德-嘉靖年间民窰小品。Middle Ming 16th century late Zhengde to early Jiajing phase.

从乾隆年间起,出现并逐步盛行骡车。From the Qianlong period, mule carts became gradually popular.

到了干嘉年间,考据之学兴起。Kerry stem the years, the rise of textual criticism of the school.

明代成化年间,顾云重修,符瑛作记。Ming Dynasty Chenghua years, Gu rehabilitation, Fu-ying to remember.

东晋年间,武陵有一个老渔夫。During the Eastern Jin Dynasty, there was an old fisherman in Wuling.

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清初顺治年间,在京城实行“满汉分城居住”。Shunzhi of the Qing Dynasty, in the capital of "Man-Han-city living."

清朝乾隆年间,皇帝的龙袍就是用辑里丝制成的。The Qianlong court in the Qing Dynasty was dressed in silk from Jili.

约哈斯年间,亚兰王哈薛屡次欺压以色列人。Hazael king of Aram oppressed Israel throughout the reign of Jehoahaz.

独孤及是天宝至大历年间,连接古文先驱与中唐古文家的重要枢纽。Du Gu-ji is treated as an important pivot from Tian-bao to Da-li period.

在1751年清朝乾隆年间又再次重修了。During Qing Emperor QianLong's reign it was reconstructed again in 1751.

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武则天长安年间开始在原址重建大雁塔,在规格上有所改变。At that time the Empress ordered to rebuild the tower on the former address.

明万历年间因转运东莞所有香木始有香港一称。Ming Wanli due to transfer all Dongguan Xiang Mu Hong Kong has only one said.

过去十几年间,这位51岁的患者从来没有睡过一次安稳觉。The 51-year-old patient had not had a good night’s sleep in more than a decade.