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但宣言呢?But Manifestos?

“我已经下定决心了,”林肯回答说,“必须这么做,我要推动这份宣言的落实,要摆脱困境别无他途。It must be done. I am driven to it.

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里克列文,规则培训宣言Rick Levine, The Cluetrain Manifesto

这是一部理性、充分的宣言。A rational, well-argued call to arms.

顿之,果如宣言。Keaton, fruit such as the declaration.

我是一名黑客,以上是我的宣言。I am a raver, and this is my manifesto.

四国在莫斯科宣言10月30号。Four-Power Declaration at Moscow Oct. 30.

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解放宣言的用意何在?What did the Emancipation Proclamation udo ?

为了大家的便利,她将宣言高声读了一遍。She read the declaration aloud pro bono publico.

你读过了这个起义的宣言吗?Have you read the pronunciamento of the uprising?

但是也不能把这封信说成是一项宣言。But the letter was not intended to be a manifesto.

我把我的个人宣言附在后面,给你做个模板。I'm attaching mine to use as a template for yours.

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运行你的宣言草案在你的员工中。Run your mission statement draft by your employees.

于是他发表宣言同皇帝作战。So he made adeclaration of war against the emperor.

周期性的回顾和修正你的使命宣言。Periodically review and revise your mission statement.

它是一个宣言,一套思想和哲学理论。It was a manifesto, a set of thoughts and philosophies.

有意让它听起来像是一个划时代的宣言。It was meant to sound like an epoch-making declaration.

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签署宣言拯救大众远离黑暗面。Sign the manifesto and turn VW away from the Dark Side.

书的腰封印制了这本书自己的环保宣言。The book’s girth makes its own environmental statement.

为什么我们需要本次峰会发表一个宣言呢?Why do we need to issue a declaration from this summit?