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我们逆水划船。We were rowing against the current.

逆风逆水,走,也去庆祝。When things are going well, celebrate.

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逆水游泳很难。Swimming against the current is difficult.

水来,我在逆水中想你。Water, I think you in against the current.

意思就是说学习像在逆水中行船。It means that learning is like sailing upstream.

中国的制造业打算逆水而上走多远?How far upriver might Chinese manufacturing travel?

你知道的,逆水游泳很难。You know swimming against the current is difficult.

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划桨者发现他必须逆水划船。The oarsman found that the he had to pull against the tide.

不久后我就知道,鼠鱼逆水而游的习性或许有助于回答我想问的问题。I soon realized that the ratfish 's tendency to swim against the flow might help to answer my questions.

参赛龙舟先是顺水而下,而后逆水而上,最后冲刺决出输赢。The participated dragon boat first go along the stream and then go against it, at last sprint for wining.

同时,为帮助鲑鱼逆水,游回产卵的地方,他们在较小的水坝和急流上建设鱼梯。Then, to help the salmon swim upstream to deposit their eggs, they build special fish ladders up the smaller dams and rapids.

采用逆水解法进行氯硅烷水解—缩聚反应,制备了适用于耐高温涂料的甲基苯基硅树脂。The methyl phenyl silicone resin for heat resistant coatings was prepared by converse hydrolysis-polycondensation of chlorosilane.

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TPD和TPSR结果表明,CO占据催化剂表面部分活性位并抑制CO2的逆水煤气转换,促进了甲醇的生成。The results of TPD and TPSR indicated that CO occupied the active sites, thus suppressed the reverse water-gas reaction of CO2 and enhanced the formation of methanol.

从运动学的角度出发,对该项运动的皮艇项目逆水门技术进行详尽分析,以期达到为中国皮划艇激流回旋运动发展提供借鉴和参考的目的。The paper analyses the up-stream gate skill of kayak in wild water and slalom from the kinematics side, and it will give a valuable reference for Chinese wild water and slalom sports.

我曾对酒当歌,我曾对月愁眠,茫茫人海,将你错过,大梦初醒,哪里寻找,你歌,你笑,撑一叶孤舟,逆水而逃?。I was in Shenzhen, I had to sigh and troubled sleep, the vast sea of humanity, you miss, waking from a dream. Where to find, your song, you laugh, hold a leaf boat, inverse water and flee?

TPD-MS和TPSR-MS结果表明,CO能抑制催化剂表面起逆水汽变换作用的活性位对CO2的吸附,从而提高了CO2加氢合成甲醇的选抒性。TPD MSand TPSR MS results indicate that COcan suppress the adsorption of CO2 on the sites, which bring about the reverse water gas shift reaction and hence promote the selectivity of methanol.