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为什么,既然他是玫瑰花的真身。Roses of shadow, since his rose is true?

上帝不会在自然中现出真身。God is not known through natural manifestations.

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但是阿克特斯怀疑少年的真身是某位神。But Acetes suspected that some god was concealed under the youth's exterior.

渔夫们划起船舶,在江上来回打捞他的真身。The fishermen sailed their boats up and down the river to look for his body.

这些资本收益的大部分从未露过真身,因为它们可不能被转成现金。Much of this capital gain never crystallised, it was not converted into cash.

是从平庸、浮华与困顿中,醒过来见到自己的真身。From the mediocre, glitz and frustrations in the real wake up to see his body.

这些资本收益的大部分从未露过真身,因为它们可不能被转成现金。Much of this capital gain never crystallised , it was not converted into cash.

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现在耶稣再临事件很近了,是时候显露真身了。Now that the Second Coming event is so close, it is time to come out of disguise.

有没有真身,这本身就是一个值得进一步论证的事情。There is no real body, which in itself is a matter worthy of further argumentation.

一般显微镜显示的是细胞的真身,但奥兹堪的小组却着手于细胞的影子。Normal microscopes image cells themselves. But Ozcan's team is imaging their shadows.

陆银频频暗示陆白不能喝白酒,以免露出真身。The silver white land frequently hint can not drink liquor, so as not to expose mami.

在那里,他向天行者亮明真身,展示了黑暗面的真正威力。There, he revealed himself to Skywalker, and unveiled the true strength of the dark side.

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怎样证明自己的微博是真身呢?英国名模凯莉·布鲁克有她自己的妙招。English model Kelly Brook has done what she knows best to prove that her micro blog was real.

我早看过了,那个“极度厌恶你”是个马甲,既然敢说敢吗不用真身?Don't you say I am crazy?Since you said I was crazy, why you said this to me? you are crazy too?

九九归一,无不指向“最高国家权力机关”真身的坐实。When all is said and done, everything points to "the most powerful state organ" becoming just that.

龙神的真身在灵界接受着凡人的崇拜,并等待着有朝一日的回归。The real Dragon Gods wait in the Spirit Realm, accepting worship and awaiting the day they can return.

食环署人员只要对百佳紧追不放,就完全可以更早地查明「元凶」真身。Had FEHD officers persisted in following up the ParknShop lead, they could have identified the culprit a long time ago.

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经过几个夜晚的观察后,只见过神秘光环却没看过“魔鬼飞翔者”真身的耐生悄然离去。After a few nights of observation, Nation left his post, having seen only the aura of myth rather than the thing itself.

阿育王寺是中国佛教“中华五山”之一,已有1700多年历史。因珍藏佛国珍宝“释迦牟尼真身舍利”而闻名中外。The 1700-year-old Asoka Temple, one of the five Buddhist mountains in China, is well known for having kept Skyamuni's Sarira.

腾讯QQ这款产品看起来是一只温顺的脑残企鹅,但它真身实际是一直机敏的党国猎鹰。Tencent's QQ icon looks like a gentle and silly penguin. But in reality it is a hunting eagle working for the CCP and the government.