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在这场群雄逐鹿的生存大战中,你能分清现实与想象世界的界限吗?In this race to survive, can you distinguish reality from imagination?

七年间,MPV市场经历了从一家独大到群雄逐鹿的历程。During seven years, MPV market has experienced from monopoly to competition.

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今日商道,群雄逐鹿,做不成狼,就只能成为狼食!Today, commercial, can't do the same benefit, Wolf, can only become wolves eat!

这仍然是一个群雄逐鹿的时代,只不过参与者已经物是人非。This is still a time like "warring periods", in which only the leading role changes.

这仍然是一个群雄逐鹿的时代,只不过参与者已经物是人非。This is still a time like "warring periods", in which only the leading role changes nowadays.

春秋时期开始了群雄逐鹿,他们在战国也出现了并在之后完全超越了周。The Spring and Autumn period launched a free for all contest, in which the Warring States emerged and later eclipsed the Zhou entirely.

随着全球经济一体化的推进,发展迅猛的中国润滑油市场,现已成为国外润滑油企业群雄逐鹿的竞技场。With the rapid development of global economic integration, China's lubricating oil market has become a crowded arena of foreign oil companies.

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网络游戏从诞生一刻起就被视为一块巨大的蛋糕,飞速发展后的市场状况可谓是硝烟四起、群雄逐鹿。At the moment of its birth, online games were regarded as a huge cake. After the rapid development, the market seems like quite competitive everywhere.

缺少著名品牌,而未来的需求又如此强劲,未来几年家纺、内衣行业势必面临一次群雄逐鹿的新洗牌。Lack of famous brands, and future demand is so strong, home textile, underwear industry over the coming years will be facing a multifaceted one new reshuffle.

在市场特征出现今非昔比的变化之后,品牌成为市场群雄逐鹿的焦点,品牌营销则成为了企业赢得市场的制胜法宝。The market features have changed a lot. Brand has become a focus of enterprises and brand operation has become a weapon for enterprises' wining in the market.

跨国石油公司群雄逐鹿的沙特阿拉伯的上游市场,中国公司也有参与竞争的机会。Transnational oil companies are competing in the upstream market of Saudi Arabia oil market, while Chinese oil companies also have the opportunities to compete with them.

面对群雄逐鹿的激烈竞争环境和实力强大的竞争对手,我国制药企业如何取得竞争优势,保持长期的可持续发展,成为医药业界关注的焦点。Faced to powerful competitor and dog-eat-dog environment, how to dominate in competition and obtain extended development is the focus for state-owned pharmaceutical enterprises.

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进口品牌、合资品牌、自主品牌群雄逐鹿,各种车型百花齐放,也使得中国汽车市场的竞争更加激烈。Import brands, joint brands, independent brands are all in the Chinese auto market, so there are so many styles of cars in this market and it makes Chinese auto market more competitive.

在我国医疗市场,目前呈现公立医院、外资和合资医院及民营医院三足群雄逐鹿、三分天下的势头。In the medical service market, the public hospital, the foreign capital and the joint capital hospital, the privately-operated hospital present the triangular balance of the hospital-market.

随着传统的市场格局被打破,而新的市场格局还没有完全建立起来,中国的金融市场正面临着群雄逐鹿的景况。With the traditional market pattern was broken, and the new market structure has not been fully established, China's financial markets are faced with a situation powers fighting for supremacy.

自此,宣告公话市场正式从中国电信一家垄断,彻底转变为电信、网通、联通、移动、铁通各大运营商群雄逐鹿的新战场。From then on, the public phone market's monopolization by China Telecom was broken, and the market will become a new field in which China Telecom, China Mobile , China Unicom, China Netcom compete.