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他是一个非常聪明且野心勃勃的家伙。He's a very smart and ambitious guy.

你野心勃勃、孤僻且太主观。You're ambitious, seclusive and too subjective.

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他们冒然采取一项野心勃勃的改革计画。They ventured on an ambitious program of reform.

部分人士则偏好一项更野心勃勃的供应方面的措施.Some favor a more aggressive supply-side approach.

它是古怪人士的早餐,是野心勃勃的狂热分子的早餐。It is the breakfast of weirdos, of ambitious freaks.

“四人帮”是个野心勃勃的政治小集团。"The gang of four" was an ambitious political Clique.

“它听起来野心勃勃,”他承认,“但是你知道么?“It sounds ambitious,” he agreed. “But you know what?

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一个31岁的野心勃勃的终身制雇员就是这样。Nobu, an ambitious 31-year-old salaryman, is one such.

富野心勃勃地想要在英国开一家GNC的分店。Tomiya has ambitions to open a branch of GNC in Britain.

我吃苦耐劳,我野心勃勃,我清楚地知道自己想要什么。I'm tough, I'm ambitious, and I know exactly what I want.

你野心勃勃,努力追求,但却经常感到不满足?Have you always tried to overachieve but then felt lacking?

我赞美是野心勃勃的而且能忍耐艰难的人们。I admire people who are ambitious and can endure hardships.

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当你设定完这些目标,不要担心自己是否野心勃勃。And do not be afraid to be ambitious when you set these goals!

这位野心勃勃的年轻人利用朋友来推动他的事业的发展。The ambitious young man used his friends to further his career.

那家伙25岁左右,是个野心勃勃的演员兼酒保。The guy was an aspiring actor and bartender in his mid-twenties.

野心勃勃的帕尔帕廷议员从纳布步入这个泥潭。Into this mire stepped the ambitious Senator Palpatine from Naboo.

野心勃勃、求知若渴、精力充沛,这些特征使得它成为一部“创新机器”。Ambitious, curious and full of vigour, it is "a machine for innovation".

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真主党野心勃勃,追根究底,而且活力充沛,简直是「创新的总部机构」。Ambitious, curious and full of vigour, it is “a machine for innovation”.

中国最野心勃勃的事业是一个新建的油轮深海港口。China's most ambitious undertaking is a new deep-sea port for oil tankers.

其后不久,野心勃勃者动用黑魔法的力量废黜了尚武的国王。Not long after, ambitious men used black magic to depose the warrior king.