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违者严惩不贷。Those who disobey will be severely punished.

我们对那些刑事罪犯将严惩不贷。We will give the criminal offenders shot shrift.

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别想着作弊―对作弊者会严惩不贷。Don't be tempted to cheat – you'll never get away with it.

对于犯罪分子就要严惩不贷,不能留情。We should be tough with criminals and show no mercy to them.

美国的“严惩不贷”法律又是怎么建筑在这些犹太-基督教标准之上的呢?How do America's `get-tough' laws stack up by these Judaeo-Christian standards?

对任何腐败分子都必须彻底查处、严惩不贷。All corruptionists must be thoroughly investigated and punished without leniency.

敌人胆敢来犯,我们一定严惩不贷,打它个粉身碎骨。If our enemy dare to attack us, we'll punish them severely and crush them into pieces.

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不道德的社会信息违背了“严惩不贷”的激昂中仅有的正义。This immoral social message contradicts the only justification for `get-tough' rhetoric.

对于那么违法分子,更应严惩不贷,这样才能杜绝以后还有人以身试法。For violators , the punishment should be extremely harsh, so that in future nobody dares to violate it again.

中国官方新华社说,中共元老表示要对卷入暴乱的任何人严惩不贷。State-run Xinhua says the party elders vowed to impose "severe punishment" on any those involved in the riots.

我们之所以能作为群居动物生存下来,就是因为我们视自私自利为眼中钉、肉中刺,对违反公众利益的行为严惩不贷。We’ve survived as social animals because we are so good at spotting selfishness and punishing antisocial behavior.

美国的“严惩不贷”的法律违背了适度的标准,逆道德的进步而行,把社会导向现代的野蛮。America's `get-tough' laws violate this modest standard, reversing moral progress and paving the way to modern barbarism.

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其实真没必要再回到上世纪二十年代,那种严惩不贷的状态中去,而应该更加谦和地反思过去的某些事情。There was no real need to go back to the punitive state of the 1920s, so you return to something which is much more modest.

美国司法部长霍尔德表示,"如果我们发现违法证据,我们将严惩不贷.""If we find evidence of illegal behavior, we will be forceful in our response," U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said in New Orleans.

在过去的十年中,右翼分子吹嘘要对圣战主义严惩不贷,同时却提倡催生更多圣战者的政策。For the past decade, right-wingers have been chest-thumping about being tough on jihadism, while promoting policies that create far more jihadis.

中国古代对作弊行为是严惩不贷的,或游街、或被流放,严重的还会被砍头。In the ancient times in China, the cribbers in the examinations would be chastised by being insulted through the street, exiled, even be beheaded.

为了应对这起明显的“荣誉谋杀”再现案,首相曼莫汉•辛格本月责令内阁级的委员会考虑对此类案件严惩不贷。Responding to an apparent resurgence in “honor killings, ” Prime Minister Manmohan Singh ordered a cabinet-level commission this month to consider tougher penalties in such cases.

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这部分得益于他对特权阶级及贪污腐败的严惩不贷,正是这些毒瘤使得厄瓜多尔沦落为美洲治理最差、最不安定的国家。That is partly because he inspired widespread support by attacking the vested interests and corruption that turned Ecuador into one of the worst-governed and most unstable countries in the Americas.