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请叫我彼得吧,“戴维斯先生”听起来老气横秋的。Peter, please. " Mr. Davis" makes me sound ancient.

工作上的种种压力使得约翰于中年时就已老气横秋。The stresses of business had beaten John to his knees in middle age.

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“老气横秋,灰不溜秋,郁郁寡欢,象我一样,”她对自己又说了这些,然而事实并非如此。"Old and gray and gloomy, just like me, " she added to herself, though it wasn't exactly true.

妻子婆惊目细看,见他老气横秋、肉体矍铄,气宇非凡。Old woman surprised eyes look, and, behold, he HeFaTongYan, hale and hearty, the extraordinary.

她们嘴唇薄薄的,眼皮薄的像层纸,颧骨高耸,喉结突出,老气横秋。They have thin lips and papery eyelids, box jawbones, prominent Adam's apples and withered hearts.

这种技术已经老气横秋了这么久,以至于至少有一种竞争对手,或者说是超越者的技术已经完全成熟。That delay has dragged on so long that at least one competing, not to mention superior, technology has reached maturity.

朴素的花朵,沉稳的枝条摆脱了老气横秋的表现手法,瞬间烘托出一派明媚春色。No longer using the old-fashioned way to describe the simple flowers, old branches, instantly show a pack of bright spring.

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总是有这样令人失望的时候,当你想网上订购一款时尚的包包,结果第二天出现在眼前的却是一个老气横秋的小包。It is always a disappointment when you order a stylish bag online, and it turns out to be a grandma's purse when it turns up the next day.

它那弯曲多节的笨拙的巨臂和手指不对称地伸开,它这棵老气横秋的、鄙夷一切的畸形的橡树耸立在笑容可掬的桦树之间。With its huge, uncouth, gnarled arms and fingers sprawling unsymmetrically , it stood an aged, angry, and scornful monster among the smiling birches.

前几天到你家去,见了你母亲真叫我伤心,她年龄老了,满脸老气横秋,德行礼节都不讲了,已不能与过去相比。A few days ago to your house, saw your mother really makes me sad, her age old, face, virtue is not speak, rituals already cannot be compared with the past.

这时,他魔幻般地遇到了8岁的自己,一个矮胖、可爱的男孩,说起话来老气横秋。At this moment, the ground like his demon unreal encountered 8 years old oneself, dumpy, lovely boy, speak of a word to come arrogant on account of one's seniority.

成年人大可不必把他们的“精益求精”的装修热强加给单纯、可爱的孩子们,否则会给人一种装腔作势、老气横秋的感觉。Adult can need not them " excelsior " decorate heat to force pure, lovely children, can give a person the sense of a kind of mincing, arrogant on account of one's seniority otherwise.

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哎吆!在路易斯维尔的礁石上系泊了四天,在别处又耽搁了些日子,可怜又老气横秋的“鲍尔-琼斯”轮从辛辛那提到新奥尔良这段航程浪费了约两个星期的宝贵时间。What with lying on the rocks four days at Louisville, and some other delays, the poor old 'Paul Jones' fooled away about two weeks in making the voyage from Cincinnati to New Orleans.