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所有车辆都要在斑马线前停下。All car should stop at the zebra crossing.

当我到了斑马线前时,绿灯了。When I got to the zebra crossing, traffic light.

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车辆快到斑马线时要减速。Reduce your speed as you get to the zebra crossing.

汽车须在斑马线前停下来让路予行人。Cars have to yield to pedestrians at zebra crossings.

他一踩油门,“呼”的一声,绿色小汽车冲过了斑马线。He cried, "a throttle", the green car washed the zebra crossing.

如果有行人在等待,汽车必须在斑马线那里停下来。Cars must also stop at zebra crossings if a pedestrian is waiting.

但是当他们通过斑马线过繁华的马路时,交通就被阻碍了。But when they cross a busy road using a zebra crossing, traffic is held up.

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不要乱穿马路。你应该到十字路口那边走斑马线。Don't jaywalk. Go down to the intersection and cross at the zebra crossing.

而且在斑马线,十字路口,也从来不给老弱妇孺让路。They do not give way to old folks or children crossing at the zebra crossing.

最近,四川成都一条"爱情斑马线"吸引了很多人的目光。A "love zebra crossing" in Chengdu, Sichuan, is attracting many people recently.

许多行人任意穿越马路,而不走斑马线或地下道。Many pedestrians cross the road recklessly, instead of using crosswalks or underpasses.

每一步都后脚尖顶着前脚跟这样的走过斑马线。Walk on the zebra crossing step by step with rear foot tip against the front foot heel.

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要抵达他家,我们需要通过一条之字型的小路并且穿过数条斑马线。To get to his house, we needed to pass a zigzag path and crossed several zebra crossings.

行人需要走远一点从斑马线上横过马路,除非他们想要乱穿马路。Pedestrians have to travel farther to cross the street legally unless they want to jaywalk.

你便知道这次钟书阁要讲的与书的故事和斑马线有关。You would find out that thestory Zhongshuge is going to tell is somehow relatedto zebra crossing.

黄灯就意味着如果你离斑马线还遥远那么你要在斑马线前停车。A yellow light DOES mean to stop when you are far back enough tostop the car before the crosswalk.

你要是在斑马线前停车等待行人穿过,这下可好,只见行人络绎不绝,你就没完没了地耗下去吧。Stop at a zebra crossing for pedestrians and you could wait endlessly for the sea of people to part.

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只要高兴他们会随之随地过马路,纵使斑马线就在几米开外。They cross roads anywhere as they like, even though there are zebra-crossings just a few yards away.

具体是构建“方便行人也方便行车,平衡人车关系”,有别于斑马线道及人行天桥和地道的新型人车通道。The idea is that to make it convenient for both pedestrians and autos, and to balance their relations.

首次在中国出现的红色斑马线被涂上了“我爱你”字样,图案为两颗相连的爱心。The red-ground zebra crossing, first such work in China, was painted with words "I Love You" and two linked hearts.