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那样它是的尘埃!So mote it be!

一场阵雨于尘埃不再飞扬。A shower has laid the dust.

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空气里满是尘埃。The air is loaded with dirt.

雨将使尘埃平息。The rain will settle the dust.

我们生活的地球由星际尘埃聚集而成。We are here, made of stardust.

满腹怯意化尘埃。Bellyful of timid meaning dust.

过滤网可存住空气中的尘埃。A filter traps dust from the air.

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不受历史尘埃的蒙蔽。Unobscured by the dust of history.

卑微到尘埃中,然后开出花来。Humble to the dust, and then bloom.

只是,我已心如止水,再不惹尘埃。Just, I have peace of mind, no dust.

我们需要一阵雨使尘埃平息。We need a shower to settle the dust.

就会为你扶去点点尘埃。Will you help to little bit of dust.

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今天,我的老茧化为尘埃。Today my old slan has become as dust.

勿放近多油或多尘埃的地方。Do not put in more oil or dusty place.

眼中移动的是小鸟还是尘埃?To prove if what I see be bird or mote.

火山喷出烟和尘埃。A volcano belches forth smoke and ashes.

尘埃是磁盘的最大敌人。Dust is a deejay's affliction adversary.

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土星环是由冰和尘埃构成。Saturn’s rings are made of ice and dust.

开过去的那辆车扬起滚滚尘埃。The passing car kicked up clouds of dust.

我们寻找同类,当一切尘埃罗定,我们只是我们。When all is said and done, We're all we've got.