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但愿如此!I wish!

但愿不会如此。I hope not so.

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但愿如此!Let’s hope so.

但愿如此。谢谢。I hope so. Thank you.

但愿我能碰一碰他!If I might touch him!

阿但愿我是一片云。I wish I were a cloud.

不求情意浓,但愿情长久。Not love, love me long.

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但愿天堂里祥和安宁!Wish you rest in peace!

但愿我能办得一样好。I wish I can do as well.

但愿我们能活到2012年。Hope we can live to 2012.

我但愿魔鬼将你放弃。I wish the devil gave Uup.

但愿能和你在一起。I wish I might be with you.

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我但愿你是我的弟弟。I wish you were my brother.

我真但愿你那天没有把阿谁消息告诉他。I don't know why he is late.

但愿我刚才没有吃东西才好。I wish I had not taken that.

非也……我也但愿我有这般本事。No ---- I only wish I could.

“但愿我能!”毕蒂答道。I wish I could! ' said Biddy.

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但愿你首先学会吃得起苦。I hope you learn to eat first.

但愿您事綪办得顺利。I hope things work out for you.

我但愿我能实时赶回去。I wish I could go back in time.