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沉默,只是沉默,此时无声胜有声。Oh, how deafening is silence.

植物有语,动物有声。Laguage in plants, animals in sounds.

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有声书还带来了时间的问题。Books on tape also pose a time problem.

此时无声胜有声。For many moments, there is only silence.

这是一本图文并茂的童话绘本有声书。This is an illustrated audio book for children.

设有声反馈防啸叫功能,能有效减小回受啸叫。Can reduce the feedback of the howling effective.

难开尊口型沉默,就是一个沉默,此时无声胜有声。Is noticeably quiet Oh, how deafening is silence.

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绝妙的有声书数不胜数。There are a lot of fantastic audiobooks out there.

在有声书本的世界里,一切皆有可能。This is only possible in the world of audio books.

有声读物以声音来读书。An audiobook is a recording of a book being read aloud.

练拳莫练绝招式,此时无声胜有声。Do martial art training trick type, then silence speaks.

增加正体中文有声图画书。Add illustrated audio book with traditional Chinese text.

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同时他们也都存在着如心读、有声阅读、指读、回视、利用母语等不良习惯。And at the same time, all of them have bad reading habit.

迪士尼做出了一个更好的转向有声电影的过渡。Disney had made a better transition to movies with sound.

电子有声读物还可有助于学习外语。E-audiobooks can also help with learning foreign languages.

普绪喀听从这些有声无形的外人的意见。Psyche gave ear to the admonitions of her vocal attendants.

这是另一个下载有声书的好资源。This is another great resource for downloading audio books.

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事迹报告依托于有声语言的表述技巧。A deed report depends on expression skill of sound language.

你还有什么其它的免费有声书网站加入这个列表吗?Do you have any other free audio book site to add to the list?

1928年,福克斯开始制作具有这一特色的有声电影。Fox began making feature films with the Movietone system in 1928.