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我很严正的认为我们要善待动物。I feel very strongly you have to treat animals right.

伏地魔和哈利都严正以待,准备战斗。Lord Voldemort is preparing for battle and so must Harry.

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我们已向比利时就达赖访问进行了严正的交涉。We have made solemn representations to Belgium on this matter.

但是无论他如何严正的生命,狮鹫之巢的骑士依旧洗脱不了嫌疑。However loud his protestations the Knight of Griffin's Roost remained suspect.

“结构-制度分析”的倡导者则对此种看法进行了严正的反驳。Such views were solemnly rebutted by the advocators of "Structure-Institutional Analysis".

当然,我们已在公开和非公开场合十分明确地表示了我们对人权的严正关注。Of course, we have made very clear, publicly and privately, our serious concerns about human rights.

那是一个非凡的事件——无产阶级向无产阶级专政发出严正警告。It was an exceptional event — the proletariat issued a stern warning to the dictatorship of the proletariat.

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尽管法国不愿意扮演后殖民宪兵的角色,但是奥朗德先生已经对马里问题发表了严正声明。Despite France's reluctance to play post-colonial gendarme, Mr Hollande is starting to sound tougher on Mali.

我们严正要求CNN和卡弗蒂本人收回其恶劣言论,向全体中国人民道歉。We solemnly request CNN and Cafferty to take back the malicious remarks and apologize to all the Chinese people.

关于与日方的交涉,我们已通过多种渠道多次向日方表达了我们的严正立场。On representations with Japan, we have repeatedly expressed our solemn position to Japan through various channels.

对于婚外情,几乎在全部的国度都受法律限止和道德言论的严正申斥,被视为情意的禁区。For an affair, in all the kingdom almost limit by law and moral rectitude of speech reprimand, as the love the area.

心理治疗师严正伟说,近几年来,越来越多疲惫的上班族向他寻求帮助。Yan Zhengwei, a psychological therapist, has seen more and more exhausted professionals coming to him in recent years.

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报告提出严正警告,部分上正是因为这种方式,不发达国家不能达到2015年将贫穷减半的目标。Indeed, it warns starkly that, partly as a result, LDCs are not on track to achieve the goal of halving poverty by 2015.

逃离中国的贪官数量反映了政府打击贪腐的严正态度。The number of corrupt officials fleeing China reflects the government's serious attitude about the crackdown on corruption.

据报道,美国情报部门对此次测试提出了严正警告,但美国政策制定者决定不作出任何阻止措施。U.S. intelligence reportedly provided good warning of the test, but U.S. policymakers decided to do nothing to head it off.

利比亚战争是北约在美国支持但不挂帅的前提下,能否顺利完成使命的严正考验。Libya is a test of whether NATO can succeed at a mission in which the United States plays a support rather than a lead role.

同日,中国驻日本大使馆也向日本外务省提出了严正交涉。On the same day, Chinese Embassy in Japan also lodged a solemn representation with the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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碳水化合物可以给肌肉能量,蛋白质在你的身体系统中严正以待准备治愈或重建酸痛的肌肉。The carbohydrates will give your muscles energy and the protein will be in your system ready to heal and rebuild sore muscles.

支持李明博,安抚韩国人民,并向朝鲜总统金正日发出严正警告的责任落到了美国头上。It has fallen to America to shore him up, reassure South Koreans and send a stern warning to the North's president, Kim Jong Il.

没有什么比自己家族已经成为美国政治严正王朝的说法更让前总统布什暴跳如雷的了。Nothing sends former president Bush into a rant faster than the proposition that his family has become an American political dynasty.