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你们需要重整旗鼓。You need to be invigorated.

莎拉•佩林在重整旗鼓,她的敌人也是如此。Sarah Palin is reloading. So are her enemies.

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我们学校因受到雷锋精神的影响而重整旗鼓振作起来。Our school has been renovated by Lei Feng's spirit.

破产后一年,克莱斯勒一直在不断重整旗鼓。A year after bankruptcy, Chrysler is on the rebound.

我们必需找到一个重整旗鼓的要领,要否则就要悔之晚矣啦!We should find a way to regroup before it is too late.

该队在上半场惨败后重整旗鼓反败为胜。After a disastrous first half the team fought back to win.

芝加哥小熊队自一场失利后重整旗鼓要赢取这场棒球比赛。Chicago Cubs came back from a deficit to win the ballgame.

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他们三场比赛失利后重整旗鼓,赢得了加场赛的胜利。They railed from a three-game deficit to win the playoffs.

你吟唱出一个大能咒语,使你的战友去你身边重整旗鼓。You intone a word of power to rally your allies to your side.

溃军重整旗鼓,准备背水一战。The fleeing troops rallied and prepared for a last-ditch fight.

清廷水师屡战屡败,决定重整旗鼓收拾海盗。The qing dynasty navy often war often hurt, decided to rally the pirates.

然而,到那时乐队正四分五裂,且从未重整旗鼓。By then, however, the band was splintering up, never to regain its momentum. DH

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我有机会重整旗鼓,征服世界吗?I wonder if there's any chance of reassembling my army and reconquering the world.

这个国家需要一个国王用一个清晰振奋人心的嗓音来让优秀的军队重整旗鼓。The nation needs a king who can rally the forces of good in a clear, inspiring voice.

当他们放弃的时候,他们也已经丧失了那些本可以用来重整旗鼓的资产。By the time they give in, they've lost assets they could have used to start over again.

两届奥运会的休赛,使得国际奥委会急于重整旗鼓,它让伦敦主办1948年奥运会。Eager to come back after two dormant Olympiads , the IOC offered the 1948 Games to London.

阿隆·拉姆塞身着红白战袍重整旗鼓回到阿森纳让每一个关心兵工厂的人感到由衷的高兴。Aaron Ramsey back in an Arsenal shirt was a welcome sight for everyone associated with the Club.

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时度表重整旗鼓大力扩张业务,并委任著名型男影星方中信为品牌亚洲代言人。Appointed famous actor and style icon Mr. Fong Chung Sun, Alex to be the brand's Asia ambassador.

家长应在烦恼的时间重整旗鼓,调整自己的认识,重新评价孩子。The times of parental frustration should be used as times to re-group, re-think, and re-evaluate.

在对方确实没有表现出任何兴趣的时候,就像你在酒吧中所遇到的一样,那么重整旗鼓。In the event that the other person truly shows no interest, just as you would in the bar, move on.