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你对如此低的自给率有何评论?Do you have any comments on this low rate?

无背光。电池不能自给更换。No backlight. Battery not user replace-able.

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如何提高天然橡胶生产的自给率?。How to improve the self-sufficient ratio of NR production?

汽车节油,无能源,自给式,发电机组。Automobile oil-saving, non-energy, self-feeding generator set.

粮食基本自给,但需进口一小部分小麦。Grain self-sufficiency, but the need to import a small portion of wheat.

与此同时,欧洲的能源自给率却在急剧下降。On the other hand, Europe's self-sufficiency in energy is sharply declining.

产品的商品性成分很小,基本上是一种自给性工业。It is a sell-reliance and self-support economy with little commercial nature.

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但是,大量生产农作物来满足自给的目标似乎已成为过去时了。But aiming for self-sufficiency in staple crop production seems a thing of the past.

自给于自种的食物,学习制造和修复自己的东西,包括你自己的衣服。Grow your own food. Learn to make and fix your own stuff, including your own clothes.

制定和修改您仕达发展计划及其自给收入基数。Develop and modify your homestead development plan and its self-supporting income base.

你有两头母牛,你重新改建使其成为可以每月只吃一次,可以自给,可以生存100年的母牛。You re-engineer them so they live for 100 years, eat once a month, and milk themselves.

许多国家宣称农产品自给是它们的农业规化的一个目标。Many countries say agricultural self-sufficiency is an aim of their agricultural programs.

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该组织的目标是要在2020年以前,让与英国南海岸遥遥相望的怀特岛达到能源自给。Its aim is to make the Isle of Wight, off Britain's south coast, energy-independent by 2020.

它不仅能源自给,剩余的电力还向地方电网供电。Not only is it self-sufficient in energy, it supplies surplus electricity to the local grid.

中国在基本实现食品自给之后,国家开始从强调数量转向食品安全。After accomplishing autarkic food supply. China diverts its emphasis from quantity to safety.

否则,就算贪念可以降服,但自给尚且不足,哪能有余资不足?Otherwise, even if we overcame our greed, we would not have any surplus to give to the needy.

为防止救援人员窒息,要求配备自给式呼吸器。Self-contained breathing apparatus may be required to prevent asphyxiation of rescue workers.

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这个冬天里,朝鲜人民被号召要通过自己的努力完成粮食的自给。This winter, North Koreans have been told to achieve food self-sufficiency by their own efforts.

他们的结论是,地方粮食自给是招致家庭和整个经济贫困的原因。Local food self-sufficiency, they conclude, impoverishes individual households and the overall economy.

家族企业是从家庭生产在由自给性生产向市场化生产转变时产生的。The family enterprise stems from the transition from self supporting production to marketing production.