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这是一个非常偏远的地区。It is a very remote area.

而土耳其的南部偏远地区却是一片蛮荒之地。But farther south Turkey is on virgin turf.

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或许在日本的偏远地区,他们会介意。Perhaps in rural areas of Japan they would.

我们只是苏格兰偏远地区的一个小村庄。We’re tiny village in the wilds of Scotland.

巴拉克拉瓦是塞瓦斯托波尔的一个偏远的地区。Balaclava is a remote district of Sevastopol.

其他偏远的美军前哨据点也已被关闭。Other remote American outposts have closed too.

匪徒们逃到了一个偏远的山间藏身。The bandits fled to a remote mountain hideaway.

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圣赫勒拿到是地球上最偏远的地方之一。Helena is among the most remote places on earth.

这些淳朴的乡民来自于一个偏远的乡村。The honest villagers came from a lonely village.

此饭店坐落在一偏远的山村里。The hotel is situated in a remote mountain village.

加拉特是这个赤贫省的一个偏远地区。Ziarat is a rural part of an impoverished province.

把你的行囊打包,徒步到一个偏远的地方去。Pack up your remaining items and hike to a remote spot.

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在偏远的山上常常长着很多野花。Wild flowers always abound in out-of-the-way mountains.

我们家住在海南陵水一个偏远的山区。We lived in a remote mountainous area of Hainan Lingshui.

这次地震摧毁了许多偏远乡村的土坯房。The quake destroyed mud buildings in many remote villages.

但是在一些偏远的乡村,满族习俗得到了更好的流传。But in some remote rural areas Manchu ways held out longer.

听起来如此特别,偏远的北部,钓鱼和诸如此类的快乐时光。Sounds so special, upstate, fishing and all that good stuff.

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蓓克抗德组织成员到她偏远的乡间别墅藏身。She let members of the Resistance hide in her remote chateau.

一偏远地区且非属都市计画地区之建筑物。Buildings in remote areas where urban plan is not implemented.

大学毕业后,他被分配到一个偏远的山村工作。I am a graduating student, I am grateful to nurture my school.