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这实在是出乎意料。This was really unexpected.

答案出乎意料得简单——击球员。The answer was surprisingly simple.

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故事情节在第十五章有了出乎意料的转折。The story has a strange twist in chapter 15.

你的尴尬瞬间或者发生过的出乎意料的事Embarrassing moments or unexpected happenings

出乎意料的是,准考证竟然弄错了!The admission tickets were wrong unexpectedly!

昨天晚上张伟出乎意料地拜访了我。Zhang Wei surprised me with a visit last night.

总统的逝世引起出乎意料的反响。The president's death had unexpected repercussion.

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然后,出乎意料地,第一颗星星开始闪耀了。Then all of a sudden the first stars began to shine.

出乎意料地,飞船在着陆的时候撞坏了。Unexpectedly, the craft crashed when it was landing.

结果是有点出乎意料,但我却不太吃惊。The result is quite a shocker but I am not surprised.

我想可能会有一些出乎意料的合约,出现一些黑马。I think there may be some surprises, some dark horses.

出乎意料地,抓住她/他然后温柔地咬她/他的脖子。Out of the blue, grab them and gently bite their neck.

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这看上去很在理,但却出乎意料地引来许多争议。This seems obvious, but it’s surprisingly controversial.

可能显得出乎意料,篮球并非我计划之事。Suprising as it might seem, basketball wasn't in my plans.

迈阿密的众人追踪到一个出乎意料的锡拉买家。The crew in Miami tracks Scylla to a surprising new buyer.

入侵行动因遭遇到了出乎意料的顽强抵抗而受阻。The invasion was held up by unexpectedly stout resistance.

这一技术在价值无法估量,带来了一种出乎意料的香味。The technique isinvaluable for adding unexpected flavours.

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下午,军事理论课也出乎意料。Afternoon, the military theory courses are also unexpected.

一场出乎意料的猛烈暴风雨让许多人吃了一惊。A fierce storm came out of leftfield and surprised everyone.

能作为艺术家前往伊拉克对我来说实在是太出乎意料了。It hit me unexpectedly that I could go to Iraq as an artist.