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花谢花飞花满天。Flower Shabana flyings sky.

故穿庭树作飞花。So wear chambers tree flowers.

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残叶飞花今秋怨。Grottoes fly this fall complain.

可爱飞花,你从哪棵树来?Sweet blossom where is your tree?

花谢花飞花满天,红消香断有谁怜?As blossoms fade and fly across the sky.

当天空弥漫着这些银白的飞花。When these white flowers flying all over the sky.

盖板针布中嵌入了过多的飞花和籽屑。Excessive fly and seed bits embedded on flat wire.

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樱桃梨树共争艳,四处飞花如雪片。The cherry and hoary pear, scatter their snow around.

是啊,每个年轻的心中不都有那样一朵美丽的风飞花吗?Yes , there is a "windflower" in every young's heart.

毛羽、断头、飞花减少,开台效率提高。Increase textile efficiency, reduce lint and fiber fly.

飞絮飞花何处是,层冰积雪摧残。Where is the flying catkins, ice snow layer destruction.

飞花尽逐五更风,不照先生社酒中。Fly-by just before dawn the wind do not chiu social wine.

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御池水满苑门开,泥带飞花路带苔。Royal Court full of water the door open, mud road with a fly with moss.

通过分析,提出了减少飞花产生的一些措施。Some measures for decreasing fly waste are put forward through analysis.

届时满城飞花,花车游行、放烟火、化妆舞会等热闹非凡。Then became the fly, the famous parade, fireworks, masquerade etc boisterous.

用于梳理机上的一种小滚筒类上的轴端挡飞花装置。An axis end flying-blocking device used on a carding machine belongs to the small roller class.

青山绿草,落霞飞花,素云金叶,碧海长天,共同编织成了我们五彩斑斓的地球。The green grass, red flowers, white snow, yellow leaves and blue seas make up our colourful earth.

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能有效地吸附胶辊胶圈锯齿罗拉等表面微量星飞花,油剂,水份、静电杂质等,从而保持元件表面清洁干燥。Excellent clean oil, water upon the rubber cot and apron, keep dry and cleaning on the surface organ.

飞花两岸照船红,百里榆堤半日风。卧看满天云不动,不知云与我俱东。Flying flowers on shores enlighten my boat to ruddiness, On hundred miles band there is gentle wind today.

看飞花逐水,落红成片,空留下一缕闲愁,萦绕心头,蹙在眉头。See flyings by water, Luo Hong into a film, leaving an empty ray Xianchou, haunting, Organization in the brow.