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史学界部分学者把中法战争前后法俄两国视为共同对抗德国的友好盟邦。Some history scholars hold that France and Russia were allies against Germany around Sino-French War.

邦戈的逝世对法国是个损失,因为直到最近他都是法国在非洲最为亲密的盟邦的领导人。Bongo's death means the loss to France of a leader who was until very recently its closest ally in Africa.

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奥巴马先生说,利比亚行动的职责已由美国转交北约盟邦。Mr. Obama noted the responsibility for the Libyan operation is being transferred from the U. S. to its NATO allies.

我们的目标是让伊拉克自立,成为一个民主的盟邦,成为一个周围和平的负责任的力量。Our goal is an Iraq that can stand on its own as a democratic ally and a responsible force for peace in its neighborhood.

还有其他关键的参加者、盟邦和新兴力量国家,它们也将与我们一起共同努力来处理区域性和全球性事务。There are other key actors, allies, institutions, and emerging powers who will also work with us to shape regional and global affairs.

吾人站在正义与公道方面岂无英、苏与其他英勇不屈之民族为吾人忠实之盟邦乎?For have we not on the side of righteousness and justice staunch allies in Great Britain, Russia, and other brave and indomitable peoples?

如对中国进行正面强硬压制甚或是军事打击,将破坏区域经济与政治的稳定,使美国及其盟邦未蒙其利反先受其害。If US directly confronts China, the regional economic as well as political stability will be devastated even China may lose. But US and its allies will be also suffered.

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布什和幕僚把全部精力倾注到伊拉克和中东问题上,忽视了亚洲。的确,美国一些较小的亚洲盟邦还对此提出批评。In focusing their energies on Iraq and the Middle East, Mr Bush and his team neglected Asia – and were indeed criticised for doing so by some of their smaller Asian allies.

长国曾是殷商王朝西部的重要盟邦,后分迁于东部和南部,商亡后归顺周朝。Chang state was the western ally of Shang dynasty. Later Chang state migrated to the east and south. After Shang dynasty died out Chang state paid allegiance to Zhou dynasty.

联合国军已经并将继续使用我们无匹的实力创设最好的条件,以使我们和盟邦尽可能执行联合国授权的各项举措。The United States military has and will continue to use our unique capabilities to create the conditions from which we and our partners can best enforce the full measure of the U.

但是我有信心,根据我们所观察到的北韩动静,以及我们为所有意外状况而做的准备,我们以及我们的盟邦已经对应付任何情况做好准备。But I'm confident that based upon what we see going on in the North, and all the contingencies that we need to be prepared for, we're prepared to react to those, us and the alliance.

周五晚间,华盛顿邮报引用不具名的美国和欧洲官员的话称,美国及其盟邦正考虑向利比亚反对派提供武器。Late Friday, The Washington Post newspaper, citing unnamed U. S. and European officials, reported the U. S. and its allies are considering supplying weapons to the Libyan opposition.

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他说欧洲希望与美国联手,像两个盟邦、两个朋友、两个夥伴,彼此间有相同的信念、相同的价值观,且也须要面对同一个挑战。He said Europe wishes to work hand in hand with the United States, like two allies, two friends, two partners, who have the same convictions , the same values and which must meet the challenge.

美国国防部长盖茨表示,他是带着这样一个信息前往参加在新加坡举行的“香格里拉对话”的,那就是,尽管有潜在的预算限制,华盛顿仍将继续和亚洲盟邦建立紧密的关系。Gates says he is going into the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore with the message that Washington will continue to build relationships with its Asian allies despite potential budget restrictions.