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于是乎,第一个打击乐器诞生了。The first percussion instrument was born.

于是乎,这项技术还在应用。So, again, the technology is still being used.

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我于是乎下定决心去巴贝多岛旅行。I resolved to travel to the island of Barbados.

于是乎,可爱竟令人感到有些许可憎的悲伤。And , somehow or other , loveliness is infernally sad.

于是乎,我将先闻海风之哨、海鸥之喵。And first I'll hear the sea-wind, the mewing of the gulls.

现在这件事我自己就办了,于是乎现在我们经常有现金在手,我就再也不闹心了。Now I do it, and we always have cash, and I’m not annoyed.

于是乎,他也开始拜佛,研究佛法了。And he began to bow to the Buddhas and study the Buddhadharma.

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——于是乎,他索性给把英语扔到一边,弃文学武,到“地球人都知道”武功最高的“孤独九剑”那里拜师学艺去也。He went to learn it from world famous Master Lonely Nine Swords.

于是乎,他们把社会保障归类为别的,而实际上并非如此。So they classify Social Security as something else, when it isn’t.

于是乎,今早就很自然的梦到了自己站在大观园里。So, I dreamed myself was standing in the Ta Kuan Garden this morning.

于是乎,我们到达了伯特利,那里的先知们出来和我见了面。Then we went to Bethel. The prophets who were at Bethel came out to me.

于是乎,每天仍然有成百上千的人跨国边界涌入南非。And people continue to pour across the border by the hundreds every day.

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这麽样子,于是乎他就把这个结拜的兄弟,推到山涧里头去了。Thinking in this way, he pushed his sworn brother into a mountain torrent.

改头换面之后理所应当有个新的名字,于是乎,Thilafushi垃圾岛就诞生了。The facelift warranted a name change, so Thilafushi, the garbage island was born.

于是乎,力压众多强手,获得最佳新秀自然也是无可争议。As aresult, many strong pressure and achieve the best rookie nature is indisputable.

于是乎,一位女士进入丈夫销售店,选购一位可以婚配的如意郎君。So, a woman goes to the Husband Store in the hope of finding the ideal man to marry.

于是乎,一番考虑之后,我在合同末尾签上了自己的名字。So, after considering the offer, I signed my name across the bottom of the contract.

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用不了多久,市场上购销两旺,生产线生气勃勃,贷款扶摇而上,于是乎,凯恩斯的书又回了书架。In time, purchasing, production and loans perk up, and Keynes is placed back on the shelf.

于是乎,第一次示威并非波澜壮阔,但却有著良好的组织性。The first demonstrations were, accordingly, not spectacular, but they were well organized.

于是乎,林偌赶紧将寒飞扬给他的帖子交出。Thus, wood so and hurriedly will chilly float in the sky to hand over as his invitation card.