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昨天我和金定婚了。Yes, yesterday Kim and I were engaged.

布什总统的其中一名女儿珍娜·布什定婚。One of President Bush's daughters is engaged.

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为什么还要跟我说你已经和那个女孩定婚了?Why should you have told me and the girl engaged?

费丽达的定婚戒指是镶金钻戒。Frieda's engagement ring is a diamond set in gold.

这对刚定婚的新人说他们将在今年的某个时候结婚。The just-engaged couple say they'll wed sometime this year.

在选择目标上,一定要考虑定婚的原则。In target selection, the rule of engagement must be considered.

实际上,我们关系很亲密。我们甚至打算下个月定婚。Actually we are on an intimate2 level. We even plan to be engaged next month.

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桑迪,你疯了吗?你怎么和保罗定婚了,他可是一贫如洗呀。Sandy, are you crazy, you got engaged with Paul, he is as poor as a church mouse.

定婚、结婚戒指可戴在同一无名指上,也可以由结婚戒指取代定婚戒指。Engagement, wedding rings can wear the same ring, wedding ring can be replaced engaged by the ring.

如果你决定预备结婚,那么借着这次新月的影响去定婚吧。If you are dating and ready for marriage you may just get engaged this month right after this new moon!

2011年1月8日,一名女子在在越南河内市中心拍定婚婚纱照时经过GUCCI专卖店。A woman walks by the Gucci store in downtown during her engagement shoot in Hanoi, Vietnam, Jan. 8, 2011.

若是定夺预备结婚,那么借着这次新月的影响去定婚吧。If you are dating and ready for marriage, you may just get engaged this month, right after this new moon!

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在选择目标上,一定要考虑定婚的原则。在选择目标上,一定要考虑交战规则。在医学院地下室吃过饭后,菲利普回到自己的寓所。那是一个星期六的下午,女房东正在扫楼梯。After lunching in the basement of the Medical School Philip went back to his rooms. It was Saturday after-noon , and the landlady was cleaning the stairs.

结婚或定婚戒指是许多民族的传统习俗,英格兰人在教堂里举行婚礼仪式时,新郎给新娘戴戒指是不可缺少的一项重要内容。The rings are married or engaged to the traditions of many peoples England held in the church wedding ceremony the bride and groom to wear a ring is indispensable one important element.