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企业化经营的家庭。Entrepreneurialism runs in the family.

在18世纪,商业变得企业化。In the 1700s business became entrepreneurial.

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然而,当今的企业化农业却否认拒绝动物最基本的需求。Yet agribusiness today denies animals their most fundamental needs.

如何使您的团队和您自己更加企业化?。What are you doing to make your team and yourself more entrepreneurial?

经济上实行的是企业化经营、市场化运作。Economically , it is of commercialized management based on market operation.

美国市政管理经历了两次“企业化”改革。American municipal administration reform has undergone two periods of "enterprisization".

关键在于中国唤醒的是什么——是一个由企业化竞争机制占主导的国家,还是一个寡头政治专制的国家。It depends which China will awake — a nation of entrepreneurs or oligarchic party officials.

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地勘单位在推进企业化的过程中,普遍组建了物业公司。Geological and prospecting enterprises in the course of the reform usually set up the estate company.

高校后勤社会化企业已全面面向市场,从事企业化经营和管理。Rear-service enterprises in institutions of higher learning are now put to the market for business management.

提出了实现地勘队伍管理属地化、经营企业化的现实途径。It also points out the channel of fulfilling localized management and running as enterprise in geological prospecting units.

属地化管理后,地勘单位的发展方向是逐步实现企业化。After possession management, geological exploration company's development direction is to achieve commercialization gradually.

全新的发展模式,企业化、集团化运作,雪依氏引领中国美容业进入更规范、更专业的新纪元!With the enterprise mode of operation, SWISH will lead the Chinese beauty industry to a more standardized and professional era.

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专业银行成立后,朝着实行独立经营、企业化管理的方向迈进。After the foundation of the banks, they develop towards the purpose of independent operation and enterprise oriented management.

文章阐述了属地化后的地勘单位进行企业化经营的适应范围,企业化经营模式的选择。The paper sets forth appropriate scope, pattern selection and difficulty of running geological exploration organization as business.

地勘队伍属地化管理后,建立新体制,推进企业化经营是地勘单位改革的重点。It is key for reform in geological prospecting units to Establish new system and push forward running as enterprise after localized management.

这样神不知鬼不觉的改革范例,得力于那些外行的相关利益团体头顶上的企业化技术官僚。It was an example of reform by stealth, accomplished by enterprising technocrats over the heads of interested parties who did not understand it.

无论在何时也无论在何地,只要中国农村的经济模式占据主导,中国的资本主义就是企业化的,政治独立的,同时也是相当有竞争性的。Whenever and wherever rural China has the upper hand, Chinese capitalism is entrepreneurial, politically independent, and vibrantly competitive.

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通过“企业化培养”强化高职学院与企业之间的无缝衔接,以现代企业的人才需求为目标,推动企业整体人力资源开发。The training Pattern helps intensify "seamless" link-up between college and enterprise and in turn propels HR development of enterprise at large.

当前,已经有一千余家政府研究机构完成了企业化转制或分类管理改革。More than one thousand government research institutes have accomplished the conversion to industrial system or the reform of reclassified management.

基于信息网络的电子政务将推动政府管理向无缝化、一体化、代理化、参与化、企业化和知识化等方面创新和发展。The developmental directions of management of e-government are seamless, integral, agential, participatory, enterprise-like and knowledge management.