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然后再写一个小循环?OK. I know how to do that, right?

我知道怎么做对吧?写一个小循环,我所需要做的就是运行一个for循环。is run a FOR loop here. I'm going to let the number of chickens be in this range.

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目的消除小循环阻抗容积波中呼吸干扰。Objective To eliminate respiratory interference from lesser circulation impedance.

地球上的水处于自然大循环和社会小循环交织成的往复循环运动之中。Water on the earth is in constant motion between the great natural cycle and small social cycle.

不,力量的诱惑通过使之神出鬼没的可逆性的优点,是一个小循环的开始。No, power seduces by virtue of the reversibility that haunts it, and on which a minor cycle is instituted.

意思就是我只需,写一个小循环就可以了,让我们回到代码,让我们向下拉一点,我才看得见,我希望你看看这里。All right, so let's go back to our code. That's right, let me pull this over a little bit, so I can see it.

分别从企业层面的小循环、区域层面的中循环以及社会层面的大循环等角度详细论述了超循环结构及其形成。And the minor cycle of corporate, Meta cycle of eco-industrial Park and macro cycle of the society are investigated in detail.

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盖亚的大封闭圈里循环不断,是因为其中所有的小循环都在不断的共同进化沟通中互相交流。The grand closure of Gaia keeps cycling because all its lesser cycles inform each other in constant coevolutionary communication.

这个小循环是做什么的,这个小的循环是,我要写一个函数或者过程来接受两条消息。And what's this little loop say to do? This little loop says I'm going to write a function or procedures that takes in two messages.

你可以运行一个小循环来不断地做,直到得到一个输入,但你应该做的是弄明白这里到底要干什么。You could run through a little loop to say keep trying until you get one. But one of the ways I could deal with it is what's shown here.

不但比改造前传统的“大、小循环”方便、稳定,而且节能、环保、低噪音。Not only transform the former than the traditional "big-small cycle" convenient, stable and energy-saving, environmental protection, low noise.

本文介绍了利用CSSRC建成的PIV系统在小循环水槽中进行叶栅绕流流态显示及流场测量的试验。This paper describes an experiment to measure quantitatively and visually the flow around a plate cascade using PIV in a circulating water channel in CSSRC.

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深入分析了产品并行设计的过程特性,指出并行设计的实质是基于多次“设计-评价-再设计”的小循环模式的反复迭代过程。The procedural characteristics of concurrent design is analyzed and a micro-cycle mode like "design-evaluation-redesign" is pointed out as the essence of concurrent design.

浅埋隧道开挖时应严格控制地表沉陷,减小循环开挖进尺和防止塌方。In excavation of shallow buried tunnel, it should be carry out to decrease the footage to prevent collapse, which shall benefit to diminish the settlement of ground surface.

此方法以初冷器前吸力值的大小,通过变送器反馈给电磁阀和液力耦合器,实现煤气风机的吸、压力自动调节,不但比改造前传统的“大、小循环”方便、稳定,而且节能、环保、低噪音。In this way, the cycle is not only more convenient and stable than traditional big-small cycle, but also the energy saving, environment protection and low noisy can be realized.

作者将这些发现归因于负责血流运动的机制的功能改善,包括小循环血管床的肌源性与神经源性的血管调节作用。The authors attribute these findings to improved function of the mechanisms responsible for flow motion, including myogenic and neurogenic vasoregulation of the microcirculatory vascular bed.

此外,通过研究经济比较发达国家的房地产业可以发现,一个成熟的房地产市场应该包括三个小循环,三个小循环合在一起又组成了一个大循环。After studying the real estate industry of some developed country we can draw a conclusion that a mature real estate market consists of three small circulation which build up a large circulation.

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这里的这个小循环,因为i代表股票,我会建立两个不同的股票链表,一个是代表股票价格的移动,或者说是分布,它们是从均匀分布中得出的,而另一个链表是从高斯分布中得出的。And then we looked at this little loop before, for i in range number of stocks, I'm going to create two different lists of stocks, one where the moves, or distributions, are chosen from a uniform, and the other where they're Gaussian.

意思就是我只需,写一个小循环就可以了,让我们回到代码,让我们向下拉一点,我才看得见,我希望你看看这里。Meaning, I'm just going to write a little loop that does that. All right, so let's go back to our code. That's right, let me pull this over a little bit, so I can see it. And what I'd like you to look at, I'm going to highlight it just for a second here, is those two pieces of code.

然后我们运行一个小循环,好了,我们现在来看看,如果x≥0或者x<,我们看这儿,我们会输出一些内容,或者我们运行一个小循环来获取答案,然后我们检验一下,然后得到结果。All right, we're-- well actually, I should say that better, we first check to see, is x 0 greater than or equal to zero, if it's not, then we come down here and we print something out, otherwise we run through a little loop to get the answer, and then we check it and we spit something out.