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他的案情很有利,我能给他打赢。His case is strong, I can win it.

现在案情已经清清楚楚了。The case is now absolutely clear.

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露西是吗?案情还真够复杂的。Really? The case is so complicated.

案情未详。The details of the case is unknown.

第一章,案情及法律分析。First chapter, case and legal analysis.

对于案情简单的案件,可以作简易理算。Summary adjustment may be applied in simple cases.

案情代表了反诽谤法的新动向。The case represents a new development in the law of libel.

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案情是推测出来的,是一条推测出来的线索。These cases are circumstantial. It's a string of inferences.

对风险程度必须按各案情逐个加以评估。The degree of risk needs to be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

他们聘请了能请到的最好的律师为他们陈述案情。They employed the best lawyer they could get to plead their case.

汉娜意识到她所说的话对她的案情没有任何好处。Hanna realized that what she was saying wasn`t doing her case any good.

斯金纳的情况下将头回对下级法院的案情说法。Skinner's case will head back to lower courts for argument on the merits.

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关于具体案情,希望你向有关部门了解。I suggest you refer to relevant authorities for the specifics of the case.

案情发生的上述变化可能影响到本案提出的法律争点。This change in the underlying facts may affect the legal issues presented.

警方现已将此案定性为谎报案情的轻罪行为。The case is now being investigated as filing a false report, a misdemeanor.

当开庭的那一天到来,在开庭后,法庭会要求原告陈述他的案情。When the court session opens, the court invites the plaintiff to state his case.

整个案情似乎很清楚,沃尔德鲁普的行为是故意和有预谋的。It seemed clear to them that Waldroup's actions were intentional and premeditated.

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对每类犯罪都分别并根据案情的严重性进行评估。Each crime category is considered separately and weighted based on its seriousness.

曹政孙四康讨论案情,曹政臆测段伟平杀了两个人。Cao Zhengsun four discuss the case, Cao Zheng speculation Duan Weiping killed two people.

于是他亲自到大元公司了解案情,部署破案。Then himself knows details of a case to yuan of big company, deploy crack a criminal case.