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他们砍割犀角的方式非常残酷。The removal of the horn is very harsh.

越南人正在从非洲大量走私犀角。The Vietnamese are moving rhino horn from Africa.

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犀牛有很大的犀角和厚厚的保护皮肤。A rhinoceros has large horns and thick, protective skin.

一只犀角在黑市上能卖几千英镑。A rhino horn can sell for thousands of pounds on the black market.

有人说是犀角,不知犀牛角应该是个什么样子?It is said to be rhinoceros horn, wonder what should a rhinoceros horn like?

著名的商品有珍珠、犀角、玳瑁、象牙等。Well-known commodities pearls, rhinoceros horn, sea turtle, ivory and so on.

犀牛,几乎灭绝的物种,有着神奇的犀角和暴脾气。The rhino, which is almost extinct, with its extraordinary horns and bad temper.

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上个月,在曼谷破获的象牙走私案中,人们便发现了犀角。A big shipment of ivory seized in Bangkok last month is believed to have included rhino horn.

收藏者像黄金一样储存着犀角,等待着市场价格的上涨。Collectors appear to be holding on to the horn like gold and waiting for the value to increase.

他们指出,亚洲国家与非洲不断加强的贸易联系,缩短了犀角非法贸易的供应链。They say that Asian countries' strengthening trade links with Africa have shortened the illegal supply chain.

由于禁令的出台,人们只得退而求其次,选择水牛角作为犀角的替代品,但是它被认为没有犀角那么有效。Since the ban, the horn of water buffalo has been used as a substitute, but it is not considered as effective.

除了制作中药之外,犀角在一些中东国家也用来制作成装饰性的匕首手柄。Along with Chinese medicine, the horns are used for ornamental dagger handles in some Middle Eastern countries.

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以牙筷、犀角筷、乌木镶金筷和各种玉筷最为名贵。Among all kinds of chopsticks, the ones made with rhinoceros horns, jade or ebony inlaid with gold were the rarest.

通常,犀角被研磨成粉,然后在沸水里熬制,用以治疗发烧、风湿和痛风。Shaved or ground into a powder, the horn is dissolved in boiling water and used to treat fevers, rheumatism and gout.

罗德里格斯表示,在中国犀角是非常珍贵的药材,而津巴布韦与中国的贸易往来成为其中一个重要的驱动因素。Rodrigues said that Zimbabwe's trade links with China, where the rhino horn is highly prized as medicinal, are a driving factor.

目前的犀牛角投资市场火热,尤其以亚洲犀角价位最高,行情大涨,藏。At present, the rhino horn investment market hot, especially in the Asian market rose, the highest price of rhinoceros horn, Tibet.

此类似藏品在2005年,香港苏富比秋拍中,一件明末犀角雕双螭海。This is similar to the collections in 2005, Sotheby's Hongkong autumn auction, a Ming Dynasty carved rhinoceros horn double Chi sea.

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数千年来,在传统的亚洲医学中,将犀角研磨成粉并且加入到液体中,一直被用于发烧和其他疾病的治疗。Ground up and added to liquids, rhino horn has been used for millennia in traditional Asian medicine to treat fevers and other ailments.

他们的狩猎许可证只允许他们将犀角挂在墙上,但我们发现,他们在非法售卖犀角。Their hunting permits say they are only allowed to mount the rhino horns on the wall but we're finding they use the byproducts to sell illegally.

中国政府于1993年勒令停止犀角贸易,同年,贩卖老虎身体器官的贸易活动也被严格取缔。The Chinese government banned the trade in rhino horn in 1993 at the same time as it imposed a similar prohibition on the sale of tiger body parts.