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我会来做寿衣。I'll make the shroud.

谁为他做寿衣?Who'll make his shroud?

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比我爱人的寿衣还素白。Whiter is my true love's shroud.

让我穿上红色的寿衣,埋葬我!Bury me, in such a shroud of red!

寿衣上没有裁制装钱的口袋。Shrouds are made without pockets.

个个尸体都披着白色的寿衣。All of the corpses wrapped in white shrouds.

谁来做寿衣?是我,甲虫说。Who'll make his shroud? "I, " said the beetle.

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用我的针和线,我将为他做寿衣。With my thread and needle, I'll make the shroud.

我将为他做寿衣,用我的针和线。With my thread and needle. I'll make his shroud.

我买来法兰绒,给我的可爱做寿衣。Ill buy my love some flannel, Ill make my love a shroud.

甲虫说,是我,用我的针和线,我会来做寿衣。I , said the Beetle , With my thread and needle, I'll make the shroud.

他们穿寿衣,但往往被臃肿和红润或暗的脸上描述。They wore shrouds and were often described as bloated and of ruddy or dark countenance.

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它有与优美的把柄和熔铸铝节流阀端盖的一件优质不锈钢寿衣。It has a high-quality stainless steel shroud with polished handle and cast-aluminum end caps.

这寿衣也含有血的痕迹和引人注目的有鞭打和钉死于十字架上。The shroud also contains traces of blood and marks consistent with scourging and crucifixion.

死者通常身着高领、长袖红色或黄色的丝绸寿衣。The departed are often dressed in a high-collared, long-sleeved, red or yellow silk mourning gown.

回到家后,穿上寿衣后,拔掉气管,停止呼吸辅助袋。Then, dressed in the proper burial clothes at home, the endotube was removed and Ambu bag discontinued.

他见过悲伤的夜莺在枝头打盹,这些让他想起他的母亲,灰色的寿衣落在这城市。He saw the sad nightingales nodding on the branches and they reminded him of his mother. A gray shroud fell over the city.

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他见过悲伤的夜莺在枝头打盹,这些让他想起他的母亲,灰色的寿衣落在这城市。He saw the sad nightingales nodding on the branches and they reminded him of his mother. A gray shroud fell over the city.

该国已进入一个关键阶段,加快工业化和城市化,同时不确定性寿衣食品安全。The country has entered a crucial stage of accelerating industrialization and urbanization, while uncertainties shroud food safety.

这种液体有时会弄湿靠近尸体嘴旁的寿衣,使之陷入下颌中,造成衣物的撕裂。The fluid sometimes moistened the burial shroud near the corpse's mouth enough that it sagged into the jaw, creating tears in the cloth.