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在苏格兰,蚊虫会成群攻击。In Scotland midges attack in swarms.

我实际上就习以为常了,就当是蚊虫叮一下了。I’ve actually come to like the sting.

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我们这里有治疗蚊虫叮咬的虎牌清凉油。We have TIGER Balm for mosquito bites.

引诱灯的作用是把蚊虫引向灭蚊灯。Lure lamp lured mosquitoes and insects.

蚊虫猖獗,什么驱蚊药都不管用。We were starving and bombarded by mosquitoes.

他胳膊上的小红点是蚊虫叮咬留下的伤痕。The red spot on his arm is a sting of a mosquito.

只有这样才既能防蚊虫又能防盗。Only in this way can both mosquito and anti-theft.

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被具传染性的蚊虫叮咬之后3-14天出现症状。Symptoms appear 3—14 days after the infective bite.

花露水过敏如何防蚊虫叮咬?How does toilet water allergy prevent mosquito bite?

两年前,嘉定区还是一片蚊虫孳生的荒野之地。Two years ago, it was a mosquito-infested wasteland.

小孩被蚊虫叮咬起水泡怎么办?。How is the child done by the bleb since mosquito bite?

控制蚊虫是主要的疫情控制活动。Mosquito control is the main outbreak control activity.

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登革热是经由带病毒的蚊虫叮咬进行传播的。Dengue is spread through the bite of infected mosquitoes.

它能够治愈晒伤、蚊虫叮咬、红疹以及干燥开裂的皮肤和嘴唇。It helps sunburn, bites, rashes and dry cracked skin and lips.

我也非常喜欢它含有香茅成分来防止蚊虫叮咬。I also like that it has the citronella to protect from bug bites.

客厅里点上一支线香驱除蚊虫。Mother likes to burn a stick of incense to drive away mosquitoes.

喷洒了恶虫威的室内发生蚊虫叮咬的情况更少。There were fewer mosquito bites in homes sprayed with bendiocarb.

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目的从烟台地区自然界捕捉的蚊虫中分离虫媒病毒。Objective To isolate arbovirus from mosquitoes caught from Yantai.

蚊虫知道得很清楚,他虽然小却是一个食肉兽。The mosquito knows full well, small as he is he's a beast of prey.

疟疾是通过蚊虫叮咬向人体传播寄生虫而感染的。Malaria caused by mosquito bites which spread parasites to human beings.